Gods, this old chestnut… Hey, on behalf of the Trans-Non-binary community can we retire this please? Not because it’s offensive, it isn’t, we just heard it more on average and it was always just bland weak sause shit. Reseting the clock on this boring ass joke from reddit five years ago is cringe. You wanna troll somebody at least make an effort greater than “I know you are but what am I?!”
I hope you aren’t assuming I’m a man, are you misgendering me?
I hope you realize that is irrelevant…?
Like, completely.
Gods, this old chestnut… Hey, on behalf of the Trans-Non-binary community can we retire this please? Not because it’s offensive, it isn’t, we just heard it more on average and it was always just bland weak sause shit. Reseting the clock on this boring ass joke from reddit five years ago is cringe. You wanna troll somebody at least make an effort greater than “I know you are but what am I?!”
lol this is all you have to say for yourself. gtfo