• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I highly disagree. You can’t expect every comic to be top shelf, especially if you’re getting it for free. OP has been improving with every post - because they’re gaining experience with practice. Hiring a writer (with what money?) would undermine their own growth. You’re welcome to read more polished comics (like The Weekly Roll), but remember that people dont magically spring up with skill in art and writing right out of the gate. Not to mention that once someone starts making “professional level” work it’s either paywalled or lower priority than paying work.

    Constructive criticism also isn’t “just stop doing that”. You need to give actionable advice. For example, I always recommend new comic creators pick up the Understanding Comics/Making Comics/Reinventing Comics trilogy by Scott McCloud. They’re textbooks that cover all sorts of writing and illustration techniques.

    I like this story, and it’s certainly better than something I could write or draw. The frequency of updates has been amazing. I’m excited to see where things go.

  • …what? I think we are in two very different corners of the internet. I follow animal groups, hobbies, work related stuff, and art. None of that should have people screaming about politicians or voting or laws or anything related to politics. I can get all of that from informed sources like AP or Reuters, and when I’m done with the news for the day I’m done. My social media feeds have zero politics, which is why I didn’t like hexbear users - they were injecting politics into my non political spaces.

    I’ll vote when I can and protest when I can, but I don’t want to doomscroll through a bunch of angry people when interacting with them has no personal or social benefit.

  • I’ve got an app called SmartNews that pulls news from lots of different sources and aggregates them. My feed is set up to pull news only from the front pages of AP and Reuters - which seem to be mostly unbiased sources that both sides get info from for their articles and they use unbiased titles. I skim to the end of my feed (which isn’t very long, maybe 20-30 articles) read a half dozen of them, and that’s my news for the day. Every other media source has news and politics 100% filtered out.

    I feel like it’s enough info for informed decisions and topical conversations with my coworkers, but not so much that I dwell on news in my off time.

  • I’ve had two major issues with these guys. While not necessarily worth defederating everyone, I really don’t want to deal with hexbear because:

    1. ALL of their content is political. When they first showed up on my feed, I watched what posts/communities came up and how their users interacted on non hexbear posts. I’ve done my best to remove all politics from my social media. These guys only talked about politics and would go to other communities to turn a normal conversation political.
    2. Everything was extreme and obnoxious. I don’t understand why everyone keeps calling them polite. There was a constant “you’re with us or you’re against us”/“my beliefs are always right” behavior that was really annoying, especially in a public space that wasn’t polarized before they got there. It reminded me of this one girl from middle school who would walk into a room and loudly talk about whatever she wanted until all the other conversations petered out.

    They’re more than welcome to behave like that in their home, but they can’t go to a public space and expect everyone to cater to their beliefs.