Game #233
Shortest path: 7 (Avg. 6.4)
Total words: 40 (Avg. 19.8)
🟦🟦🟪🟪🟥🟥🟥 | 🔥 1
I had one connection early on that was .1 from linking everything. Obviously it took a lot more guesses.
The model for this game seems weird, but I like how it makes me think about the different meanings of words. Probably any model that does this will seem wrong, since word meanings are so dependent on region, dialect, age, etc etc.
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Game #233 Shortest path: 6 (Avg. 6) Total words: 7 (Avg. 7) 🟦🟦🟦🟪🟥🟥 | 🔥 1 #Linxicon
Game #233 Shortest path: 5 (Avg. 7.1) Total words: 17 (Avg. 19.2) 🟦🟦🟪🟥🟥 | 🔥 4 #Linxicon