I am looking for ways to improve my exploration gameplay in a Theater of the Mind type game where there is no map and no need for detailed environmental descriptions, if that makes sense; I don’t want to have to keep track of corridors and turns, and that sort of thing.

Ideally I would like a system or ruleset that allows me to randomly generate interesting exploration gameplay without relying on having to map out everything. Preferably system agnostic so I can use it in various games.

Here’s an example of the sort of thing I’m looking for, but would like to see alternatives that are a bit more in depth, or have more options:


  • bionicjoey@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    I’m a bit unclear on what you’re looking for. Is it like totally randomly generated dungeon dressing? Because my idea would just be to improv the dungeon dressing of a room or hallway based on what you know the room to be used for.

    Like if you know the room is a kitchen where the cook was murdered, you can describe a bloody dead body in the corner, a bloody knife, etc.

    If stuff is 100% randomly generated, wouldn’t that just break the verisimilitude of the space?