I grew up next to a cow farm as in my house bordered it’s pastures, saw cows give birth, artificial insemination, the pasture conditions, etc. All was the exact opposite of what you described, gassy pasture, plenty of room and all the cow farms in the area are like that. Now don’t get me wrong these are a group of individual farmers that I’m describing, and mass production farms are horrendous but not all cow farms are the hellish conditions you describe.
I grew up next to a cow farm as in my house bordered it’s pastures, saw cows give birth, artificial insemination, the pasture conditions, etc. All was the exact opposite of what you described, gassy pasture, plenty of room and all the cow farms in the area are like that. Now don’t get me wrong these are a group of individual farmers that I’m describing, and mass production farms are horrendous but not all cow farms are the hellish conditions you describe.