I remember back in the day when people would “Jailbreak” iPhones, but never really picked up on what they were doing other than that it let them do stuff that those of us with “non-jailbroken” iPhones couldn’t do.

Are they just booting another OS, e.g. android? Also: why haven’t I heard of it in a while? Is it not possible on newer iPhones?

  • nittiyh@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I am super scared that they eventually start locking down macOS too. I agree that it makes little sense that they do it for one platform and not the other, and I don’t see them ever backing down on it for the iPhone, so… hopefully they never feel like making that consistent across OSes.

    • thebestaquaman@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      I can definitely see them leaving macOS alone though. I can’t imagine anyone would buy a macbook to use for development if they don’t have root access, while, as far as I know, nobody buys iPhones or iPads to develop anything. If they do it would only be for testing purposes, which I assume should be fine without root access, as you’re developing for an end-user that doesn’t have root access.