• 57 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I have no idea why you would use a pen to turn pages???

    Because the pen can be held in the other hand which can be anywhere - you turn the page with a click of a button. And the pen doesn’t have to be anywhere near the screen. After a few hours of reading you can feel the difference between having your hand in a natural position and forcing it in a position to be able to turn the pages.

  • There were some recent studies that early childhood trauma can cause it, which would explain why I suffer from aphantasia. Or I’m “lucky” to just inherit the bad genes.

    And funny enough, my partner also has hyperphantasia.

    A random thought, one thing that recently occurred to me, I often forget were I’ve placed things, that’s because usually people just picture where they’ve seen them. At least my partner does that.

  • I think I’ve explained quite well already, but again, many vendors, like Samsung, kill any background jobs before they have a chance to run. No matter what technology you use, it will get killed. The only thing that doesn’t get killed is an exact alarm that’s allowed to wake your phone from sleep. Everything else will get killed on Samsung. Including periodic alarms and including work manager, periodic or not.

    I have no idea what the rest of your message is even talking about, I don’t have any WallpaperService, I don’t do any of what you mention, so I don’t quite understand why are you even talking about it.

    In conclusion, further discussion on this topic is unnecessary because you seem to be rambling on and on about stuff that’s not at all related to why the battery optimization exception is needed. It’s not because of stock Android, but because of other vendor’s flavors of Android.