Thank you all for your help! After yesterday’s Input I managed to Print my Box! The Problem was (mostly) the Bed temperature! The lower Bed temperature (60°C) and the now successful Firmware-Update (special thanks to DABDA) done the trick!

Thank you all for your help and your advice!

Hello I’m very new to 3D printing, I’m using a Sovol 06 with 1.75mm PLA. I’m trying to print a Box (for MTG-Cards). But everytime the bottom of the Box starts to “deatche” itself from the Bed. It starts with one corner and then progresses to the whole print. The Nozzle temperature is 200°C and the Bed temperature is 80°C. Can someone help?

    11 months ago

    Amount of extrusion on the brim looks about right, so first thing I’d make sure is that the first layer gets laid down in a constant distance to the bed. That requires the bed to be level, but also fro the printer to know about how the bed is a bit uneven in places so it can compensate for that.

    The FAQ for the printer mention:

    This sounds like they did something about the autoleveling in the new firmware release. Make sure you use that, then report back.