Basically I’ve been running my employer’s IT helpdesk for 10 years. In those 10 years I’ve gotten some (minor) raises and perks, but never a promotion or job title change. I just “failed” my second year performance evaluation which comes down to “we know you’re already overworked and understaffed but we need you to give 150% daily, every day”.

As a result the opposite has happened and I basically don’t GAF anymore. I close maybe half of the tickets I used to because I just can’t bring myself to care anymore. Also, if after 10 years nothing has fundamentally changed, it would be madness to assume it somehow magically will.

Thing is, I used to be very enthousiastic about my field (IT) but lately I’ve fallen completely out of love with it. Every single month there are changes and evolutions to the many tech stacks we use and I just can’t be arsed to keep up anymore. The enthousiasm has been completely replaced with mostly apathy and a side dish of simmering resentment.

I’m not immediately afraid of getting shitcanned because:

  • there’s a lot more work to do than there are hands available to do it
  • company has been looking for people for my role for over 5 years but never hires anyone
  • I’ve been there a decade which would mean making me redundant would cost the company a pretty penny in severance
  • no one currently employed there would want to take over my job duties. In IT, the helpdesk is the lowest of the low. Always has been, always will be.

Regardless, I’m in my 40’s now with one degree that doesn’t have anything to do with IT and without joking, I would rather die tomorrow than keep doing this until pension age. Any of you have decent tips or examples of where someone in my position could aim to end up for the second half of my life’s career?

If money were no object (it is) I would go back to college and pick up archaeology/history. That was what I wanted to do as a child but I had to give it up because “it wasn’t a realistic life path”, dixit my parents and every counselor I spoke to in that era.

I don’t even work fulltime right now and still I feel like I would want to spend those 2,5 days a week doing something marginally less painful, like stick my dick in the oven.

EDIT: thanks for the responses all. I’ve reevaluated my situation and sent my boss and his boss a mail explaining my situation and requesting either some guidance/help/training or a demotion to a lesser position depending on where they think I should be heading. Chances are it’ll be ignored, but at this point I don’t really give a flying fuck anymore. If they want to get rid of me, they will. Add another corpse to the pile, see if anyone bats an eyelid.

    8 days ago

    100% you are burnt out. That was me a couple of years ago in a very similar position and problems.

    Find a new job while you keep working there then leave as soon as you can. If it’s legal where you are, then leave them stranded with no notice. Even if they counter-offer with a pay rise, the problems will still be there (like, why didn’t they pay you that to start with!?) as well the expectation of 150% - probably more if they’re paying you more!

    Look for something completely different outside help desk/operations to give yourself a mental break and after a couple of years you may find your passion for IT comes back. Even moving to another area of IT might be enough of a change.

    Good on your for recognizing it but that sort of environment can kill you and your passion if you try to push through it. Get out of there and things will get immeasurably better!

    • Kyrgizion@lemmy.worldOP
      8 days ago

      Thanks for your advice. I definitely would want to do something completely different. The problem is that I only have experience with this (IT helpdesk) and nothing else. I get job offers out the wazoo, but it’s all for the exact same thing: tier 1/2 helpdesk for whatever organisation. If I amend my info on Linkedin or whatever site to say I’m not interested in tech support jobs, I don’t get any offers at all.

        8 days ago

        Take another job anyway. Your job search doesn’t have to stop just because you started a new job. The change, even though it’s not the end goal, might help. You might make more money, be able to set boundaries about effort/expectations early, and possibly find connections that will help you get to the end goal of finding something really new. Be honest in interviews too, really treat that like you are interviewing them and make your boundaries known where you can.

        I’ve taken my own advice too. I never actually changed industries but was able to find something that worked for me. Plus I’ve met a lot of people along the way which has directly resulted in more and different job opportunities. Anyway, don’t give up on the dream but do be flexible on how you get there.