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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • and who will till the soil, weed, fight pests, harvest, etc.

    In the case of a home garden, the homeowners, just like it’s expected for a homeowner to care for all the other plants on their property.

    In the case of an allotment/community garden, community members would provide the labor. That’s how they currently work.

    I mean I get it. I’m a rich white person with a lot of leisure time and I own property where I can have a garden… but turns out not everyone has this stuff.

    I’m confused what the problem is - just because you know some people that wouldn’t benefit from a home garden subsidy, doesn’t make it a bad idea, if it encourages more people to grow food at home. It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution to be sure, but it is a solution that would work for some, with little to no downside that I can conceive of.

    Also the whole “you need a lot of land if you want to garden” thing is kind of a myth. You can do a surprising amount in containers, with vertical systems, or even indoors with grow lights or hydroponics these days.

    Edit to address your edit:

    Gardening is great. But jerking myself off and generalizing and saying everyone else should be doing what i have the luxury to do… just makes me a smug self-righteous ass. People buy food from stores because it’s convenient and fast.

    I don’t think anyone’s saying “everyone should garden”, just “more people should garden”. The original suggestion we’re discussing was to subsidize gardening, which would help reduce the barrier to entry and make it a more attractive option. Option being the keyword there - subsidizing something doesn’t mean everyone has to do it, and it certainly isn’t an attempt to belittle or shame anyone that can’t or doesn’t want to garden.

  • a more sensible default would be -A

    No it wouldn’t. You’d have git beginners committing IDE configs and secrets left and right if -A was the default behavior.

    vim, less a text editor and more a cruel joke of figuring out how to exit it.

    Esc, :, q. Sure it’s a funny internet meme to say vim is impossible to quit out of, but any self-respecting software developer should know how, and if you don’t, you have google. If you think this is hard, no wonder you struggle with git.

    it chose defaults that made sense to the person programming it, not to the developer using it and interacting with it.

    Just because you don’t like the defaults doesn’t mean they don’t make sense. It just means you don’t understand the (very good) reasons those defaults were chosen.

    Git has a steep learning curve not because it’s necessary but because it chose defaults that made sense to the person programming it, not to the developer using it and interacting with it.

    Git’s authors were the first users. The team that started the linux kernel project created it and used it because no other version control tool in existence at that time suited their needs. The subtle implication that you, as a user of git, know better than the authors, who were the original users, is laughable.