Hello! Some info about me is up on my website: https://wreckedcarzz.com

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • Yeah, essentially ‘all’ WWAN modems (in the states?) that are sold as part of a laptop, have FCC locks. One needs to run a script designed for their modem (I believe, I’m new to cellular modems in Linux) on every boot that unlocks the modem so that it can be used by the system. I grabbed the necessary script but there’s something else missing that I’m not aware of, but kubu has ootb.

    I’m just a geek who pokes at things and learns by doing/breaking/fixing, I’m nothing special. But I’m just very baffled at this. It would appear (?) that maybe the service necessary isn’t running, but I don’t know what that service would be (afaik things ending in .d are daemons, of which the /etc/ModemManager/fcc-unlock.d is) so I’m sort of flailing, confused.

    I might poke L4N, as if I can get this going, I’d be content with the system. I’m used to struggling with stuff (flashbacks of getting wifi working in the 00s), it’s just so frustrating to be right there and stuck.

    Thanks, by the way :)

  • Could I bother you for some guidance? I installed spiral an hour or so ago, and I got to the fcc unlock, but the expected folder with the scripts doesn’t exist, so ln fails of course. Searching / came up with 2 folders and a few files that aren’t what I need, and trying to search for ideas online has just been frustrating. I’m assuming I’m missing a modemmanager package that contains the scripts, but again searching online has lead me nowhere. And the Debian package info site is having server errors so I can’t even use that as a clue D:

    Do you have any ideas?

    E: command that worked on kubu was sudo ln -sft /etc/ModemManager/fcc-unlock.d /usr/share/ModemManager/fcc-unlock.available.d/105b:e0ab

    E: I copied the required files (for the command) from the kubu live system, ln successful, reboot, but I’m still stuck as it’s acting like there’s no (usable) WWAN card in ModemManager gui. I setup the apn but can’t connect to the cellular network, there’s no option to connect.

    E: also if it’s any help I have been using this guide (successfully on kubu) https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/Thinkpad/X13s

  • Eh. I’m just (again, take 371) trying to get a ThinkPad running on Linux for light use, and I’ve dabbled with a lot of distros in the last 20 years, but I’ve always reversed course because something didn’t work, and I got frustrated troubleshooting it.

    This go around, I wanted Debian 12, fde, btrfs, snapshots. And I wanted it to work ootb (spoiler: it did not). It also needed to support my hardware, which includes WWAN.

    D12 installs fine, everything is great, until the restart, where it hangs on hardware errors (I thiiiink it’s thunderbolt but I can’t remember) on boot. Okay, let’s try Fedora - yay it works. Oh no, the fcc unlock for WWAN doesn’t work. Let’s try Mint (Debian Edition). Wtf, I can do fde but only on ext4, and gparted is useless here. I want Debian(-based) since I have the most experience with it, and the software I use is available easily. Don’t like straight ubu, but not a lot of options so let’s try kubu. After a couple installs, it checks all my requirements (Debian, fde, btrfs, snapshots via gui, WWAN, ootb* (with fcc unlock and added apn)).

    It’s fine, it works, but it’s not what I wanted. And between needing WWAN working, and needing compiled packages for my software, I’m kinda stuck.

    So I dunno. Kubu is fine. It’s like the compact car you get as a rental. It does the job. But fuck, WHY is WWAN support so shit, why isn’t btrfs support in the installer more common, why is it often difficult to do fde. Those three were a huge pain for me. And I’m not fresh off the boat, but I’m not going to fuck with the terminal just to install a fucking system. Ugh.

    Anyway. I’m not “happy”, but it’s currently working. Suggestions (or assistance) welcome.

    E: I should add that I tried fedora because it was recommended to me to try; afaik it’s based on red hat

  • I just moved my home assistant docker container to a new-to-me Xeon system. It also runs a couple basically idle tasks/containers, so I threw BOINC at it to put it to good use. All wrapped up with Debian 12 on proxmox…

    (I needed USB support for zigbee in ha, and synology yanked driver support from dsm with the latest major version, so ‘let’s just use the new machine’…)

  • Ah - I actually moved away from Memos (I just wasn’t using it and it was taking resources for no benefit) so I can’t actually directly help, buuuuuut I want to be optimistic and assume that the ‘feature’ was removed given the page 404ing.

    You could use something like NextDNS (or any other DNS solutions that offer logging, I just use ND on my network), set up as the server’s DNS provider, and see if the domain (above) shows up in the logs after a couple days. Though if you’re running other software alongside it, then it might not be from Memos, which can lead you down a ‘disable, wait, check, repeat’ rabbit hole. But that’s how I would do it, myself.

    Sorry I don’t have a quick and easy solution for you :(