Like a Bosch!
Like a Bosch!
Keep this quiet, but VPN to UK and sign up for channel 4. They have commercials, but UK does much funnier commercials than across the pond.
Docker is a moderately sized step beyond VM.
I might recommend setting up VMs with something easy like VirtuaBox. When you have that figured out move on to Docker.
If your a casual user VMs are likely sufficient.
can threads users follow me?
This is the way.
AKA don’t be this guy.
Don’t trust executables on your computer. A Windows VM in a Linux host that you revert to a prior snapshot of you’re really curious.
I’ll write a letter to MP. That should fix it.
It said it believed that any taxes owed after the audit would be reduced by up to $10bn based on tax laws passed by former President Donald Trump.
Joe did this
I was sick, so I could tolerate the presentation which had high-end effects.
A UAV flys through the desert over the Apple building into the center garden, it approaches Tim Cook standing on à lawn. He starts speaking in his mechanical ceo way. A lot more effects like this.
The watch
The phone
An impressive presentation. Engineering is amazing. Still, your locked into their walled garden. And they can keep you juiced with dopamine as long as you give them money.
My bad, sorry.
Not GoDaddy.
Other than that, go by price and reputation. The DNS service can be replaced pretty quickly for free if their DNS service is a problem. I usually register on Then use the free DNS service on
I take it schools aren’t teaching tech literacy. We wouldn’t want the kids to get in the way of our overlord marketing agencies.