• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Not sure what you’re doing, but if we’re talking about a bog standard service backed by a db, I don’t think having automated reverts of that data is the best idea. you might lose something! That said, triggering a snapshot of your db as a step before deployment is a pretty reasonable idea.

    Reverting a service back to a previous version should be straightforward enough, and any dedicated ci/cd tool should have an API to get you information from the last successful deploy, whether that is the actual artifact you’re deploying, or a reference to a registry.

    As you’re probably entirely unsurprised by, there are a ton of ways to skin this cat. you might consider investing in preventative measures, testing your data migration in a lower environment, splitting out db change commits from service logic commits, doing some sort of blue/green or canary deployment.

    I get fairly nerd-sniped when it comes to build pipelines so happy to talk more concretely if you’d like to provide some more details!

  • yeah, you can use any app, and they work fine… with, as you might expect some warts due to apps not being designed for that screen size. a common issue is with apps that have ridiculous fixed headers and footers, leaving you a teeny tiny sliver of space for content. there’s an option to make the viewport slightly bigger, since the screen extends down and around the outer cameras, and that helps sometimes, but then obviously the cameras might prevent you from hitting some buttons on that footer. this is not a very common situation though, and maybe almost desirable? I can use the outer screen to do quick phone interactions and put it back in my pocket without being too sucked in. if I want to doom scroll/get otherwise immersed, I’ll open the fold. i like that this needs to be an intentional action.

    you can respond to messages and type on the outer screen, yes, using any keyboard as long as it’s Gboard.