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Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • I hope it pans out for machine learning.

    I kept a dream journal every night for over a year. Meditated extensively during that time. And rarely looked at a screen. Prison gives you a lot of free time.

    I’ve also explored the closes eye visual space in drug induced lucid states extensively.

    This time article aligns with my understanding of Busdhisms Six consciousness model.


    In Western language, we would call the eye consciousness the visual cortex. When our eyes are closed, and we’re in a relaxed state, we can see muscle memory practicing. Dreams. Visions if in an awake lucid state.

    The visual cortex stays active when our eyes are closed. Otherwise it only takes an hour for other senses to start recruiting those neurons.

    My dreams tend to be emotionally charged. So, dreams are, in my experience, a combination of the visual cortex doing busy work and unresolved emotional stuff if it’s there, or fun joyful stuff, if I’m feeling joy.

    I don’t know that it has a ‘purpose’ other than busy work and keeping the cortex wired together. It can be put to purpose, such as dream journaling and deeper self awareness.

  • Well I haven’t finished it completely. Like Hades once you beat it you can just keep going up in difficulty and as you do you keep on unlocking new stuff.

    But I’ve now beat the final boss twice.

    In my opinion it’s better than Hades if you have any interest in co-op. Even playing single player I’m enjoying it more than Hades but I prefer side scrolling games over top down. And I feel like astral ascent has more depth to it, which makes sense because they cribbed from Hades and improved upon it you know.

  • Yeah, I think self awareness is a really low bar that we tend to think we’re special for having. And that this fallacy is part of why animal rights are basically shit.

    The mirror test does show that an animal is self-conscious, in the sense that, it likely cares what others think and thus has a theory of mind. And you’re right, it only proves self-consciousness, it doesn’t prove its lack because as I stated earlier in the case of my rats, other senses might be involved that would produce that response.

    Dogs too. Seem much more concerned with how each other smell than how each other look.

  • As a person with trauma, who has had trauma all his life, I find social interactions draining and stressful. I have trouble developing trust, which makes it difficult to bond with others. And which makes me more lonely in a crowded room than I feel right now sharing my thoughts with you all on the internet.

    I guess I’m curious how this study would fair if it was done on self-described introverts. I value my friends, but maintaining and developing those relationships is a burden rather than a joy for me.

  • Did you read the article or just kneejerk at the title? Sleeping in separate beds increases the risks of SIDs, for example. It is weird that western parents continue doing this to ‘instill individualism’ when it literally kills our children and slows down parent/child bonding in primates. Shit, we still circumcise most male babies because the Korn Flakes guy thought it was dirty for boys to touch themselves. We are weird!

    If you prefer to feel ashamed rather than learning something when you encounter new information because of a clickbait article title, well, I can’t stop you. Or even blame you.

    But the shameful part isn’t doing something weird out of ignorance, but continuing once we have better information. Putting our pride ahead of our children. That would be a shame.