Fuck’uh you whale and fuck’uh you dolphin!
Cats are/were eaten in Vietnam. I have no idea about Haiti and it’s impossible to search it currently. So, this is people jumping to conclusions that immigrants are eating pets.
Like others have commented, I think I spend more time tinkering or troubleshooting my Ender 3 than actually printing. I’ve had a lot of fun but it wouldn’t be my first choice.
I think I would look at the Prusa or Bamboo printers as they seem to work better out of the box.
I’m mostly focused on an msla printer these days though.
Nothing could possibly go wrong 🤣
Strongest I know is 35% concentrated. Not exactly going to blow anything up with that, that is until you try to distill it.
But where would someone get the H2O2?
Adam’s apple joke?
They’ll say, “Aw, Topsy!” At my autopsy And no one could be More shocked than me
Better summary than a bot.
Pretty sure this is Louise Belcher in her final form.
Looks like a tree full of pollen getting cut down.
Just like my Sweet Basil. Damn thing wants to live in a swamp.
Calculators are similar to a Dark Souls game. You always restart from the beginning.