• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Is Hugo good for, say, a portfolio website? I know its good for blogging, but I’ve been thinking about a simple portfolio website hosted on Gitlab pages (I wish I could selfhost, but I can’t due to a lack of hardware and restrictions from my student accommodation and their network policy), and was wondering if Hugo would be a good choice for a portfolio website, maybe just having one page per project or something like that?

  • I really like the idea of user-friendly selfhosting (which is essentially what this company is offering, I mean hell, I’ve had similar business ideas floating around in my head too) BUT any company that has:

    1. an in-the-know marketing team

    2. Any employees that are somewhat technical enough (which should be guaranteed for a company with this sort of product

    3. NOT a scam

    Would know what a HUGE risk reputation-wise it is to showcase crypto-related selfhosting on the FRONT page. It’s like a “build-a-red-flag” or “destroy-our-reputation” speedrun. Even IF you want to offer this, anyone in-the-know with at least 3 braincells would bury this deep in the page and make it difficult to find (if they were well-intentioned in the first place) because at this point anything crypto, especially being the main offering, is a huge red flag.

    If instead, they offered a nextcloud instance, for example, or Pihole as an adblocker, or some other good and common services, maybe a selfhosted VPN (or maybe not, because of the stupid and misleading ads of VPN companies), they would be seen as 100% more legit.

    Edit: Just checked their marketplace and they have:







    Their own service for TOR pages

    Ghost (a blogging platform)

    SearxNG (a search engine)

    I mean, add Wordpress, Pihole and some other friendly services, and advertise THOSE!!! Build your own Google (SearxNG)! Build your own MS Office online and OneDrive (Nextcloud)! Build your own Github (Gitea)! Build your own Discord (Matrix)! Build your own password manager (Vaultwarden)! Build your own Netflix (Jellyfin)!

  • I can’t really afford to pay for some things. I feel like pirating indie games is hurting indie creators by showing there’s demand for pirating them, making it more likely indie games will be pirated.

    So I only play indie games that were originally released free of charge to begin with.

    For AAA games, I pirate freely.

    For anything else, I pirate without much thought of the morals and ethics of it (that is some music (from the 60s-80s so I’m not hurting creators) and movies/tv that are oftentimes not keeping up to the standard expected and make their money at the cinemas anyways (and for the TV shows, they have already made more than enough, as I don’t really follow anything newly released))