• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I’m regularly your friend that plays long as fuck games, but I always make sure that anyone I invite for these long games is acutely aware that they’re in this for 4 hours and if that’s not ok with them to tell me and we’ll play something else. I kind of get the annoyance you host had when you abandoned the game midway, but it’s really on them to manage expectations, especially when playing with adults with obligations. It is also up to them to figure out that when you explain a new game, it’s going to take longer to play.

    So really no fault of your own, and definitely don’t apologize for having work in the morning, but it seems your friend is not that good at managing expectations and that means you’ll have to do it yourself. Ask ik advance what game you’ll be playing and watch a review or video of it (you can also watch a live game on Board Game Arena), and yeah you’ll probably miss out on some great games that look bad from the outside but if not spending 4 hours playing a game you don’t enjoy is more desirable to you then that’s it.

    You could also, of course, try communicating with your friend about your grievances. I don’t know what good will come out of that discussion but I don’t think it can be that bad.

  • My thoughts exactly. It would be unreasonable to expect full support 14 years after it came out, and it would be unreasonable to expect modern apps to work flawlessly. But it’s not unreasonable to say that all the specs mentionned by the commenter can just be considered to all be 0 if the device cant run anything - not because it is physically incapable of it, but because we can’t even try.

  • Ok yeah it’s kind of funny but if you think about it for a second that ipad is perfectly functional. If apple doesn’t want to support it because it doesn’t make them money, then why can’t the community? Why does apple get to decide what is e-trash and what isn’t?

    The laptop I bought second hand in 2014 is still very much functionnal, and in fact it still runs. I’ll concede that it doesn’t run well, as it was already unpowered back then, but it runs some flavors of Linux oriented towards low-power devices, because people made them to do specifically this. If I had bought a second had ipad instead, it would be in a landfill by now. It didn’t even take any special actions on toshiba’s part to make it behave like this, they just made a laptop that was up to the standards of every other laptop at the time. What I’m getting at is that this isn’t a new idea, we know how to take care of our devices for longer already, were it not for the apples and googles telling us what we can’t and can do on the device we own.