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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Not as bad as you’d think, especially if you buy from a place that tests the devices or know the person selling isn’t hard on their devices.

    If you are going for a model thats a couple of years old, I would recommend going an alternative OS and no google apps. The analytics they run run does make a considerable difference to battery life. You could use something like microg if some banking apps don’t like not having google (the ones I use don’t have this issue YMMV)

    I’d also recommend simplifying how you use you’re device. Ie, don’t have apps that run in the background like Facebook, try and keep to using those sites in the browser.

    Don’t stream stuff over the mobile network(applicable to some tablets), as its a large battery drain. It’s designed to blast a load of data and then go inactive to save battery.

    You could start doing some of these things on your current device and see if you get much of a change in battery life.

    The best device is the one you already have.

  • My problem is not with inclusivity but with promoting uptake. If you are familiar with the grammar or phonetic sounds or some of the vocab, you are more likely to find that language easier to learn.

    Both English and Esperanto share the same problems of universal languages that I mentioned. English does have the advantage of number of speakers but it is a mess of a language for people to have to learn.

    Again to reiterate my counter to universal languages, why not learn and potentially help revive your local indigenous languages. In a world where universal translation exits on our phones everybody being able to speak the same language matters less.

  • Someone already said that either the created language takes from too few source languages and alienates speakers of languages with no common characteristics or takes from every language family and becomes a horrible mess that’s hard to speak for everyone.

    So if a world language is a bad idea no matter what languages you use as a source, why not have Esperanto or something similar for Europe/English speaking world and then a different language for Asia, and another one for Africa. You’ve reduced the number of translators needed and left most people with a language close to their mother tongue. You could also break the suggested regions in to smaller sections eg give Germanic Europe a common Germanic language. West/south Europe get Esperanto, east Europe sets a common slavic language. You still get languages that don’t neatly fit like Hungarian but its better for most language learners than the last example.

    Personally I’d not propose universal languages as a utopian idea and instead promote indigenous languages such as Catalonian, Breton, Irish and promote learning many languages in a post work society.

  • Get fdroid and download newpipe or alternative if you want to keep an app for YouTube without ads.

    Alternative web front ends also exist if you are okay with watching videos in a mobile browser. I use an invidious instance, pick one that’s close to you here. Other front ends also exist.

    Alternative video platforms such as LBRY also exist and I’ve found a few youtubers I watched on it.

    Absolutely take it as an opportunity to reduce your video content consumption. I like the invidious solution because I don’t get notifications and it takes a bit more effort to manually open the link in the web client so I tend not to watch videos I’m only half interested in.

    Edit: froid => fdroid

  • It gets even better when you ask where the parents got the money. Since its a closed loop you can’t really create money from nothing.

    Let’s keep things simple, say the rich parents own all the shops and services in the town. All their money comes from the other parents of the town. The poorer parents have no choice where to buy things like food that they need, they can’t not pay their water bill or their heating. Buying their kids clothes and toys means giving more of their money to the rich parents. Now most of the parents can only afford a couple of eggs and the rich parents can afford a ridiculous number.

    The ability for some to make large profits off humans basic needs is wrong and if you say any of this is fair then you should try and figure out why you think like this.

  • Nah that’s not how the world works.

    It’s closer to a school with 1000 students.

    1 kid got 10000 eggs from their parents and refuses to share. Ther rest have 0-2 eggs each.

    Maybe the students do chores but the pocket money they get only allows them to get 1 extra egg.

    UBI is the school giving 2 eggs to every student. Now the egg distribution is more even since most students now have double the eggs or more but the richest students eggs only went up by a tiny percentage.

    Is it really fair that one student has more eggs than they could possibly need and many kids have nothing just because they were born into a different family.

    If you want to talk about really being fair you probably want to talk about proper wealth redistribution. If you took 5000 eggs off that one student and split it between everyone, every kid would be up 5 eggs. The kid with all the eggs would still have 5005 eggs which IMO is still more than any 1 kid should have to themselves.

    I still wouldn’t call any of this charity since 99.9% of people benefit from it.

  • It’s not charity if everyone gets it, it’s levelling the field and making society fairer.

    For the people who need it most it could mean life or death or being able to stay in their home or not have to choose between heat or food.

    For those in the middle it might be a nice excuse to treat yourself.

    For the richest it would be such an absurdly tiny amount of money they might not be able to spend it.

    All we should care about is making sure as many people in the first group get the support. For basic income payments the most effective way to do that is to give it to everyone. By the government giving you that money instead of doing what I talked about above, more people were helped.

    Also has the added bonus of countering slightly the siphoning of wealth from the poor to the rich that’s been happening the past while.