I think we need to either redefine safe spaces, change people’s expectations of them, or get rid of them entirely.
I think we need to either redefine safe spaces, change people’s expectations of them, or get rid of them entirely.
This is a very extreme example. I’m saying that more nuanced discussion and differences in views from within a community struggle in safe spaces.
I understand the concept. I’m saying that this way of working creates echo chambers.
Unfortunately, a lot of these safe spaces become echo chambers. People don’t want to have their views challenged or try to see things from other perspectives. Many attempts at constructive dissent as mentioned in this post are discouraged and are generally unwelcome.
I did use the cross-post feature. Many apps do not recognise or acknowledge cross-posting yet which might explain why this article may have appeared multiple times for you.
“Meesa tree!”
Who said anything about challenging views all or most of the time?
The issue with constructive dissent is that if someone perceives an initial idea as bad, it cannot be dismissed or criticised; it has to be built on. Do we want things to be built on flawed foundations? We should be able to say “no” without being cast out from our own community.