Corporatism doesn’t have to come with racism. Technically fascism neither, but nobody uses it like that.
Corporatism doesn’t have to come with racism. Technically fascism neither, but nobody uses it like that.
And the poem doesn’t mention the disabled, who died first.
Which already tells you too much about Wikipedia.
Look at the user name, it’s a truthful joke.
Geography is not in the list and archeology is not history.
If the college is created in a city then there are performances to visit.
History records have to be limited to scans for the first years.
In general, research can be limited to what is possible. The important part is the freedom of mind, not the freedom of resources.
You are arguing about the curriculum of a newly established college as if it were the research focus of the entire humanities.
Diversity doesn’t come from exotic trips but the matetial you cover and the way it is taught and debated. All classic texts are freely available. For centuries that was enough.
There can be trips and such once money is available. For that you need some alumni to get donations. They will not be there if you don’t start teaching which is, for humanities, possible with a minimal budget.
Where else? Academics won’t risk their career for it. Maybe we meet again one day and figure out a bit. This was very interesting. Thank you for the conversation.
Not looking it up, it’s a worldview where only the person themselve is valid. Kind of like hedonism but without the joy or like utilitarism but without the concept for people.
they can’t be cured.
I like to think of zombie movies as reflections on that problem. They imprint that there is no healing.
once you get to this point
Is it space or matter? You cannot unmix a drink but you can distill the alcohol and you can reverse a position unless it’s near a black whole.
If we cannot reverse nazis then we lack enough knowledge of the mind. There must be a reason that somebody is rejecting truth, reality and the existance of other people. If we can identify that and show that it is irreversable then punching may be necessary. Otherwise we have found our own way of ignoring humans.
Think Musk and his daughter. It’s all political but at the core it’s hurt feelings.
It’s difficult to not get snarky. You obviously have studied but you argue against my position that humanities with limited funding is possible with the demand that a new university must be able to fund nieche topics. How is that necessary?
Well, I have watched that monk movie.
So you see fascism as something else than colonialism of white people, as something with a spiritual component.
That solipsism, isn’t that something that also happens in consumerism and nowadays internet entertainment bubbles?
I would like to argue that it’s worthwhile to figure out how to reach people in that mental state because fascism and that state of mind are so ubiquitous that violence cannot win.
Don’t those scholars have any suggestions beyond violence?
According to wikipedia, humanities neither include archeology nor sociology:
The humanities include the academic study of philosophy, religion, history, language arts (literature, writing, oratory, rhetoric, poetry, etc.), the performing arts (theater, music, dance, etc.), and the visual arts (painting, sculpture, photography, filmmaking, etc.)
There is no need to travel. The people who research are either there or can be reached via internet.
I will look into that Nietzsche though.
Almost funny that you suggest him while he was instrumentalized by the fascists as a fascist.
It’s still strange that you stress punching nazis while you have a deeper understanding of their mentality. Don’t people fall back to group strength when they feel vulnerable themselves? Punching Nazis will confirm that vulnerability.
Thanks a lot. By chance, do you know a lemmy channel where content in that area is posted?
My point is not that fascism is just hate. I am sure you understood it though because you made your position clear.
Still I am intrigued to read more about your theories. That STEM and humanities meetup or the complex philosophical system that I don’t understand, could you give me a hint on where to start digging?
What if they cut the funding so that people spend their time punching other people?
To me, it seems like a Luke and the emperor scene. They want the hate.
Humanities don’t need funding for expensive laboratories. What’s holding back people from making their own college?
The underlying split is that the right wants a homogenously united community while the left is united in the acceptence of their differences. This makes me wonder why the right doesn’t want communism. Could this be like homosexuality, that the right secretly wants it and just doesn’t dare to say it?
It’s contrieved. Genocide is about ending procreation. Is somebody LGBTQ when they procreate?
When capitalism has commodified everything, then all ingrediences for a revolution can be bought.
Sex, size, place of birth, lineage. Why is race necessary to divide people?