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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • What an everlasting tool history will remember you as, elon.

    Biggest tool in the history of tools.

    Only clearer by the day that this was all an exercise to intentionally kill Twitter to the benefit of billionaires, fascists and other extremists.

    When I initially heard about Elon paying what he did for Twitter my first thought was he’s buying it to kill it, then I thought nobody in their right mind would spend that kind of money to carry out a personal vendetta. Now I think that’s absolutely what’s going on.

    I believe he’s killing Twitter purely for personal reasons (he hates it because people gave him shit there). I don’t think there’s some kind of grand social agenda. It would require an assumption he cares about someone other than himself. Unlikely as the guy’s ego extends past Planet 9.

  • But idk what the reality of having a community like that would be

    Interesting question since there’s no precedent.

    If a copyright troll were to go after links on the Fediverse, what would they do. I guess they’d have to target the owner of the instance that hosts the community. If you set up an instance on a VPS that doesn’t care, like those that offer seedboxes and debrid services I guess they’d just get ignored. I suppose they could go after other instances and force them to block the offending instance, I don’t know.

    To set up a community like that, probably best on its own instance using a copyright resistant VPS. Would keep it insulated. It could get blocked by other instances, but should be possible to create local a sign-in for direct access.

  • That guy was a backyard inventor and charlatan, like those 19th century backyard aircraft inventors. It’s one thing to take yourself out of the gene pool through your own recklessness, it’s another to take others with you.

    Rush bypassed over a hundred years of engineering lessons learned the hard way with the rationale it stifles innovation. He even fired and sued one of his own employees for calling him out on it. The sub had zero certifications and then he lied to customers about it saying his designs were approved by NASA and Boeing who never even heard of the guy.

    Aside from the lack of safety engineering and lack of proper fail-safes in his design, there’s a reason engineers don’t use carbon fiber composites in subs. They have a tendency to delaminate. When used in aircraft, composites have to be examined and certified at a regular service interval with special inspection equipment.

    I think that sub was an accident waiting to happen from day one. The hull probably failed due to inspection negligence and a failure to detect delamination. That’s even if the hull could have been rated properly for 4km. If it wasn’t the hull, it would been one of the other jury-rigged systems.

    I can’t believe people smart enough to acquire the wealth for that excursion weren’t smart enough to check out the qualifications of the company hosting it. I think it was plainly obvious just looking at the sub yourself. A navigation system that consists of a consumer laptop PC and Logitech gaming controller should have been a dead giveaway.