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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Honestly, I always yank some yarn out of the ball before I knit some stitches so that there is no tension on the yarn at all, and then I manage all of the tension I want to add with my hand/fingers alone. But…I’m an English-style knitter. Though I also do that when using both hands for two-color stranded colorwork. So yeah, maybe don’t rely on it coming out of the skein or off of the ball smoothly; it’s yarn, it has a tendency to grip to itself and tangle.

    Hopefully this comment helps because I have to admit, I’m not 100% sure what you mean. Either way, best of luck!

  • I’m a huge fan of Ravelry for finding patterns. Also, when I started actually using the stash function, it became a game changer. I don’t have a huge stash (I know some do) but I still wanted to work it down, so for the last couple of years, I’ve found patterns for and queued stuff for most of my stash and have slowly been making my way through it.

    I use the KnitCompanion iPad app for tracking my progress on patterns, and I love it, but I also have the old non-subscription version. Not sure I would use it if I had to pay a subscription.

    I know a lot of people only use free patterns, but I gotta say that paying for patterns has really upped the quality of my knitting. Not universally of course; sometimes people want you to pay for something you could easily figure out for yourself, which is rather lame. But well-written patterns are golden, and worth the extra few bucks. When there is something new in a pattern that I don’t know how to do, YouTube is an amazing resource and I’ve never not been able to find how to do something there.

  • Okay so I just gave mine away and want to offer a note of caution.

    If you have any bit of chest at all, it may not be the best solution. This is not to assume you are a woman, but as a woman, I can tell you that my breasts got in the way and blocked the light. I found it pretty tough to get the light into a position where it actually shined on my work. I would characterize my size as fairly moderate—not small, but not huge either.

    I mentioned it to a friend and she said, “Oh, I wouldn’t have that problem” (haha) so as soon as I found it in my unused stuff, it was passed on!

  • I currently have the KnitPicks nickel-plated ones, and they’re fine, but the wires definitely have memory. I’d like to upgrade to Chiaogoo, but I want the set and it’s a steep price tag when I already have something that’s fine.

    I’ve been knitting for a long time (20 years), and I’m also an English style knitter slash thrower so I’m not a super fast knitter, and I hate using anything except metal anymore. Wood and bamboo are too sticky for me, even when they’re very smooth, and the tips wear down or start to snag eventually — or at least my cheap ones did. Not a fan of plastic either personally, and it feels like people who really get into the hobby stray away from them, but I don’t really know why. Like I can’t really articulate why I don’t like plastic; I just…don’t.