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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023


  • There’s only 4 classes, reskinned as a lot more. The power system means there’s very little you can do magic wise out of combat, and with how the powers were daily/encounter/at will, if you didn’t resolve combat by dumping your big powers you were in for a slog of “I use this at will attack again”, every round, at every level. All the powers gave a ton of tiny random bonuses that were such a pain to keep track of it led to the creation of advantage and disadvantage. All the at will powers are “I attack and another small bonus thing happens”, so if you want the bonus thing but no enemies are in range, guess what, you’re attacking the wall/the ground/whatever. Honestly just a miserable time for the most part. What it had going for it was that it was incredibly simple to pick up, because all the classes worked exactly the same. It also simplified 3.5e’s cool but overly complicated skills

  • There’s always someone who’s looking to interpret what you say as badly as possible so they can feel good about confronting you about it. I’m not being like “oh people these days are too sensitive”, just… some people take everything way too seriously and are looking for things to be upset over and I hate when that’s me. Really pokes my anxiety tbh. I want to stress it’s not like I’m out here making shitty edgy jokes and then getting upset when no one likes them, it’s just day to day comments. I dunno. I overthink a lot about whether I’m the problem, had an extremely negative self image for a long time where I blamed myself for every negative interaction I had and it’s hard to let that go.

    Like, just happened


    And like there’s genuinely good positive replies and interactions, but they don’t stick with me like the negative ones do.

    I’m mentally fragile I guess, I just honestly do my best to be an understanding and accepting and positive person and it hurts to have somebody think the opposite, even though their opinion has absolutely no bearing on my life. I dunno, it’s… I guess it’s because I’m trying to be perfectly pleasing people generally and when I fall short of that impossible standard it hurts. I’m massively overthinking this, I know. Just something that’s been weighing on my mind.