I can’t recall if I limited to Google’s IP’s or not actually. Just that I wanted to prevent their devices from ignoring the DHCP provided hosts
I can’t recall if I limited to Google’s IP’s or not actually. Just that I wanted to prevent their devices from ignoring the DHCP provided hosts
I setup a NAT rule that redirects anything going to the Google DNS IP’s send sends it to my own DNS server.
Yeah as soon as you go with the term “Zionist” that pretty much gives away your agenda, bud.
Nice. I’d kinda like to see games like Minecraft become more like the Fediverse, where you could walk between worlds hosted on different servers in-game
I’ve had windows do this to me randomly before, especially if it’s an interface that comes up a bit late. Be careful that it doesn’t change back on you
Have you ever used PFSense? How do you find it compares to Opnsense, and - for anyone with experience - how hard would it be to migrate from one to the other these days?
GL-Inet AX1800
OpenWRT, accessible via the advanced (LUCI) interface. You can define a bunch of SSID’s including guest networks and/or bind them to VLAN’s
One of the things it asks permission for when hooking up Bluetooth etc is “call history”, “contacts” or “text messages”
I’d assume the system needs those to read it messages or call/redial. It wouldn’t need OCR to do other things with that data