• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • phoenixz@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzAcademia to Industry
    14 days ago

    PhD level of intelligence

    No it won’t. At some point, some AI will, but that point is still far away.

    I’m sure it’ll know how to string words and sentences together real nice, even to the point where it makes sense. It will still not have a clue what it’s talking about, it’ll still not understand basic concepts as “understanding” requires a whole lot more than just an advanced ability of pushing words together.

  • Science isn’t “deeply flawed”, sorry, that’s nonsense. Are there some players here and there that try and abuse the system, of course. These players are then rooted out and exposed, that’s how it works. If someone tries to hurry research, someone else will discover it.

    This entire “capitalism is the root of all evil” is nonsense too. At its core, it’s the freedom to trade directly with one another and there is nothing wrong with it. Strong rules need to be in place to control that process ans the lack of that is what causes do many issues, especially in the US.

    Just writing on your mobile phone, claiming science is deeply flawed, is just facepalmingly stupid.

  • Whoever posted this meme has a poor understanding of science and isnt anything different than religious nut jobs or conspiracy types denying scientific progress

    I really dislike the types, because they love using the results of science to proclaim their ignorant view points. If you really dislike science so much, for whatever reason, then reject all that comes from it. All the great food we have? Don’t eat it. Don’t wear modern clothes, go live in a cave wearing the skin of a bear or something.

  • I think at the point where you have food on the table. Without haver, you wouldn’t have food on your table and you’d die from hunger

    Nobody is claiming it’s perfect, nobody is claiming things cannot or should not be improved.

    The point is that these systems are there because like it or not, they work. Haber works, you are alive, ain’t you? Now from here on we must improve.

    Rotate crops more often, cut the stranglehold from agriculture conglomerates, lower the world population by lowering birth rates, be super 8+ billion and rising is just too much for this world to handle… Things like that.

    Either way, tonight you can eat, maybe be at least a little grateful for that?

  • phoenixz@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzBig Science
    1 month ago

    I know that scientific knowledge gets updated all the time and with that, things sometimes change. That is fine, but at the same time you use what we have up to that point. If today scientific knowledge tells us that eating worms is healthy, we will do that more. If tomorrow it turns out that, oops, it’s healthy on the left but unhealthy on the right, well stop eating them.

    Either way, we go with what science has discovered so far. That is my point. Too many people these days don’t understand how these discoveries are made and as such push against it.

    This is how you get anti vaxxers who are hell bent on destroying humanity while thinking they are saving it. This is how you get flat-earthers.

    Screw that, people need to learn in school how science works, how we get where we are with our knowledge, where that knowledge comes from. They need to learn the scientific method.

    Then of course there are places like Texas where they keep shoving bibles in the schools to ensure kids stay dumb, gotta get them to vote against their own needs somehow…

  • phoenixz@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzBig Science
    1 month ago

    Though the first is abused to death, yes, I vehemently disagree with the second. I do believe in science. Just because here and there there are cheaters doesn’t mean that science is valid. Cheaters eventually get caught and science continues. Because of science you have that phone in your hand on which you write your post and read my comment, because of science you are alive. Science is trying to find out what is and why.

    I believe in science and there is nothing scary about that.

  • This is why I jumped ship to DuckDuckGo like 4-5 years ago already, never looked back

    Coincidentally, yesterday I was quickly setting up a new computer for some testing whilst talking to somebody about another so I was half distracted. I did a search for some package to install and got absolute unusable crap. I didn’t understand, tried again, tried different search parameters and it just got worse, and then I noticed that, since this was a new computer, the browser was using google.

    I switched to DDG, and first page first hit was what I needed.

    DDG also has been in a steady decline and apparently has been using Bing as it’s back-end now. I’d love to use a self hosted open source browser, or of not that, an open source federated search engine, akin to Lemmy, but I don’t see either coming into existence anytime soon.

  • It would only work if you manage to keep the car at an extremely precise distance from the car in front. If you’re off by tiny tiny amounts, you’ll either lose the magnetic attraction, and stop, or you’d started getting closer fast until you’d be stuck to the car in front of you