All SSD it’s lottery, it doesn’t matter WD, Kingdian or something else… And all them from China, don’t de nationalist… IPhone made in China! So what?!
And what about HMS (Huawei gallery store)?
With simplex battery is low. Not for smartphones.
Try Deltachat, maybe…
Simplex eats battery 🔋
They really didn’t fast for old computers, most of them didn’t support x32 already, they eating many resources of ram and processor… In real world they didn’t light as declared.
I’ll assume that you don’t quite understand that topic discussions.I need it to be from 4 terrabytes disk space, and the plus for me is the equipment, So tell me where I purpurchase a VPN, with so many SSD for the price of $10 -/+ per month? Nowhere! for 200-300$ no problem… maybe more. And RAM 16 GB? The answer nowhere! And so on. And by the way they also offer physical reboot if something go wrong…
Simplex=battery eater!