Thank you for the tip! It feels a bit sketchy to give it my login info though
I think we could easily shield this, it would just be stupendously expensive to bring all that lead up there
Can’t stop eating dough
In the details or the fundamentals? Because Physics has the tiny problem that if our gravity models were correct, that would mean that we don’t know where like 95% of our galaxy’s mass is
But it probably matches reasonably well with what actual forests look like
Nah, Germany has almost no natural woods, almost everything is planted for harvesting.
Which up until recently was mostly fir. The recent droughts are forcing them to plant other (non native) trees though
Schiesser is outlasting every other brand I’ve tried so far
I found Schiesser lasts pretty well
My synthetic brush works fine (by Nom / Mühle) though I haven’t used a boar brush
You can always re-evaluate your situation later :)
It’s not an all-or-nothing situation, you already have vastly improved privacy :)
Most quicksand probably isn’t that deep, so you’ll end up standing on a more solid layer
They do rotate, for example soybean -> corn because soybeans add nitrogen to the ground which corn needs a lot of
This image seems to be not from NASA but this guy:
They uploaded it to Reddit in 2021:
Comment by OP:
I shot this image using the equipment listed below. While editing my results, I just kept pushing harder and harder into the details of the solar chromosphere. The chromosphere is a visible layer of hydrogen plasma which aligns itself with local magnetic field lines. As I ventured further down this road it became clear that the end result becomes somewhat of a visualization of this field. Plus, it just looks pretty cool.
This walks the line between science into art, perhaps blurring it a bit. What do you think?
🌞 —> 🔭
Explore Scientific AR152
Daystar Quark Chromosphere
Celestron AVX
December 10, 2020
1250/5000 stacked
You can ask ChatGPT to spit out the latex code