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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • I’m personally of the opinion that if a community is poorly moderated, you should just make a new community that is better aligned to the level of moderation users actually want and not to rely on a centralized admin team. They should really just be preventing serious abuse, like grooming, and provide support and advice to mods.

    Ultimately its not sustainable and gives Admins too much centralized power to determine to that level what is and isn’t appropriate mod behavior. I get that what you experienced is generally dickish behavior, but that can easily spin out of control when it relies on admin judgement calls like that.

  • I’m glad you’re sticking to your guns on this. At the end of the day, it should NOT be up to the admin team who are not subject matter experts to determine what is and is not considered “truth” especially in cases where there is still active research on the topic.

    I also can totally see how this topic can elicit a knee jerk reaction, because people have been known to put animals on vegan diets irresponsibly, but we don’t block people from posting “chonkers” or obese cats which is literally the same thing where people will often intentionally overfeed their cats for this aesthetic which is also clearly abuse in the exact same vein.

    I also think its a good thing you reinstated the admin after some reflection and a well thought out response and statement. It doesn’t seem like they are on some crazy power trip either.

  • I kind of thought so at first, but what I think breaks it for me is where does the back of the cat go? It looks like the cat is either just the front half, or the back of the cat is protruding through the back of the sofa. Also, looking at the paws, some of the yarn near the toes just kind of looks fused together, not knit.