…by contrast to airwolf…
…i adore this depiction of moria from the one ring, plan and section both set against surrounding terrain to give a sense of scale…
…isn’t that essentially critical role?..
…there’s a comic i read somewhere illustrating how sombre, dramatic campaign settings ultimately devolve into slapstick hijinks and silly, slapstick campaign settings ultimately evolve into dramatic epics…
…that looks pretty modestly-sized in the foreground, honestly…
(this is a huge red flag:)
…international coastlines; shores with ports-of-entry…
…this is a perspective projection: scotand’s prominent in the foreground, ingland is below / beyond in the background…
(southeast is up)
…NCSA mosaic won the web, absolutely; in truth i think it gave a lot of us an excuse to upgrade from terminals and shell accounts…
…i remember going to our computer lab in the early nineties and seeing a flyer about this new protocol called the world wide web, thinking to myself in what way is that better than gopher?..
…the village building inspector is a recurring NPC in our ongoing campaign of the last four years…
…invisible sun, so i guess sort-of-cypher?..
“It makes me feel GREAT! Smarter. More aggressive.”
9.3 bits / 1:628.3
(ipadOS / safari)
…how do they quantify 3/10 of a bit?..
…it’s clearly a recently-filmed parody…
…or shadow of the demon lord…
…i have this loosely-developed idea of replacing the d20 in OGL-derived systems with a 3d chain which scales with tiers of proficiency for a nice bell curve: 3d4 (untrained), 3d6 (proficient), 3d8 (expert), 3d10 (master), 3d12 (legendary), 3d16 (celestial), 3d20 (demigod), 3d24 (god), 3d30 (overgod)…
…back in the CRT era i needed at least a 72Hz refresh rate to not feel any discomfort; that doesn’t exactly correlate with framerates on modern LCD displays but i think it’s a good proxy for the threshold of general perceptiblity…
…are greater framerates smoother?..sure, especially in my peripheral vision, but 72 FPS is generally good-enough beyond which returns start diminishing…