I meant to put the linguist at the end in quotes my bad on that. I was trying to refer to the self styled reddit “linguists” that you would see trying to correct people for using the wrong form of then/than where it was really not appropriate.
I meant to put the linguist at the end in quotes my bad on that. I was trying to refer to the self styled reddit “linguists” that you would see trying to correct people for using the wrong form of then/than where it was really not appropriate.
I use all forms of octopi interchangeably just to piss off “linguists”.
Edit:linguists -> “linguists”
Dolohins are the only ones I’m nearly 100% certain they have some kind of sapients. Probably some octopodes too but that will likely be completely alien.
Hoping that they flee to somewhere that leads to fusion energy and not cheap rods of god.
I use the web player since I like listening to podcasts while I play games and antena pod doesn’t have one
calibre might be my favorite piece of software ever made. I wish every media format had a calibre equivalent. I have sorted thousands of books and merged so many series into single files because who needs seperate books on an eReader.
I couldn’t ever get into oblivion since skyrim was my first Bethesda game and a lot of oblivion felt like (to me) slightly janky skyrim. I was able to get into morroeind though because it was just so diffrent.