A cranky biologist who means well. My hobbies include long walks off short piers and anything science related.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • “Building on this literature, I propose a definition of shitposting that embodies four distinct elements: a reliance on absurdity or “meaninglessness,” the critique or disruption of online discourses, the employment of an “internet ugly” aesthetic, and the use of meta-languaging”

    Good lord, it took them forever to spit out a coherent definition!

    Does this paper itself represent a form of academic shitposting? I mean, the subject is sound but the convoluted and discursive presentation is maddening.

    But, yes, shitposting is worthy of significant further study and all grant applications in that area should be automatically approved.

  • That’s a reasonable design. The result would be interesting and may raise more questions than it answers. That is a good thing.

    I don’t think this design would conclusively prove they were engaging in abstract communication, but that would take many experiments of similar scope.

    A sceptic could say the unconditioned group reaction was a result of social awareness of the reaction of the conditioned crows. Sort of a collective freak out based on the immediate reaction of the marked individuals.

    Regardless, I hereby tender my application to be colony manager of the research group. Murder Manager is the title I would choose.

  • This is sad news. He was deeply influential and at the same time a somewhat obscure author. At least, in my experience, he didn’t have the name recognition other - dare I say lesser - authors had.

    One lesson I learned as a young person from reading A Fire Upon the Deep was to never believe anything just because it was on the internet. That alone makes his legacy worth remembering.

  • These are all great suggestions and I concur. Education will be much more individualized. I prefer a competency (some folks here use ‘results based’ which is analogous, also sometimes called ‘strengths based’) focused education process.

    Also, education will no longer be seen as a thing separate from life/work. Education isn’t something you finish then go to work, it’s a thing you incorporate into your whole life. Solarpunk society values simplicity but solarpunk society is more complex and demands a bit more from people. The solarpunk dream is that these demands are balanced by a healthy reward of a functional supporting social system.

  • I wear a logger style boot with a thick leather upper and replacable sole. My first pair lasted 20 years and would have lasted longer but I got sloppy with caring for them after a series of very wet work days. The leather upper split right where my motorcycle clutch lever would hit and the moisture finished the job.

    The secret to BIFL for leather is preventative maintenance. Proper waterproofing and cleaning aren’t optional. I keep a shoe brush near my closet and take care to knock off the daily dust before putting them away.

    Buying a hard leather work boot is like entering a marriage. They take forever to break in but a properly cared for broken-in pair is worth the trouble.

  • Mail order is an option but the legality is tricky, so use appropriate caution. Phylos Bio is a much-hated but serious breeder. The prices are insane $155 USD for 25 seeds. But given the amount of work it takes to come even close to inbreeding parent lines and evaluating hybrids, I don’t think that’s too far off a fair price.

    Many of the cheaper options don’t really use the complex vocabulary of plant breeding correctly on their sites, so Im not convinced they have all done the work.

    There are some companies in europe that claim to have stabilized some landraces. For a home grower, getting two of those and going to the trouble to do a reciprocal feminized cross, well you’d be popping new treats every crop for years to come.

  • None of those lineages look like stabilized genetics, so expect every seed to produce a rather different plant. That’s not to say they won’t be good, but if you find one you really like, clone it because chances of another seed in the pack producing the same thing is very low.

    The only seeds that will breed true to type are stabilized inbred lines or the F1 hybrids of stabilized inbred lines. These are extremely rare in the consumer marketplace still, but should become more common soon since the serious breeders have been working hard on just that.

  • Yes, I’d think that would be the goal. Long term habitation will need plants of many kinds. Just start listing all the ways people benefit from plants and you’ll see the list just goes on and on. At the huge price per kilogram of launched mass, making soil out of local materials and developing closed-loop systems just makes economic sense. Soil is a living thing after all, it doesn’t wear out or go away. (Older than dirt!) Learning how to make healthy functioning soil from native regolith is an important part of the whole in-situ resource utilization push from the major space agencies.