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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • This is quite nice in desert areas, but doesnt work well for areas like Florida where if you dont spend hours weeding or edging religiously, you’ll end up having to weedwhack your lawn because the grass and weeds have still grown, but now your mower has turned iinto a rock flinging machine with very dull blades

    A yeard can be great space for kids to run and play, but still, fuck lawns for the most part. One basketball-court-sized lawn per couple blocks is plenty sufficient for kids. A soccerfield per 5 miles, and a major sports field per 10 miles…

    Folks should let their yards be what the yards are in the wild.

    In Florida, that means pine/oak forest with palm fronds. Maybe small grassy garden if folks want a spot to hang. But grass for the most part is shaded out by trees and covered by pine-straw and leaves.

    Residential half-acre-plus fertilized lawns are stupid AF.

    Maybe was cool in the 1950s when lawncare was a handy mode of wealth redistribution for a healthier economy, and no-one had thought of the negative environmnetal impacts.

    Lawns used to be a big flex specifically because it took crazy labor to do; lords would show off how many gardeners they had under employ. Now folks are flexing in how they can kill everything including their wallets, free time, and planet

    Push mowers are superior for small lawns.

    Mowing lawnbots are the future for lawncare.

  • I second this. My space has a couple small but well established fruit trees that I adore and definitely dont want to remove. It took almost 2 years before I realised I couldnt get anything to grow because the fruit trees just choke them out before they could get established.

    I’ve been using large pots, sometimes partially burried in the ground and it’s working out. Even though I find the fruit trees will send roots up into the pot, they dont get in there until the other plants can get established.

    I plan this year on transplanting some flowers into the same space they occupy, but without the pot and we’ll see how they do now they’re well established in that volume of soil.

  • Shits hard, so don’t blame yourself. You aren’t defective.

    Suicide is also a bad idea and you are going to regret it if you find you’ve put yourself in an unstoppable position. This is evidenced by people who miraculously survive their attempts.

    Be brave and seek help. There is zero shame in this, regardless of what the media or social conditioning might say.

    There are groups of people that meet regularly for all sorts of reasons. Attend the meeting you can find that most closely relates to your problem. If you don’t know what or where that is, I recommend starting with Alcoholics Anonymous. Even if Alchohol is not your problem, they will not turn you away, are likely to listen to anything you have to say and will help you find the group that is right for you.

    If the AA group you’ve found is full of unhelpful weirdos (some are) find another one.

    Late stage capitalism is very unhealthy for a lot of reasons and suicide is on the rise.

    It may look like it from where you are, but you are not alone.

  • Very good points.

    In my case I just need to for a couple users with maybe a few dozen transactions a day; it’s far from being a bottleneck and there’s little point in optimizing it further.

    Containerizing it also has the benefit of boiling all installation and configuration into one very convenient dockercompose file… Actually two. I use one with all the config stuff that’s published to gitea and one that has sensitive data.

  • I was a Florida voter who voted for Nader in 2000 in my first election. I disagreed with Bill Clinton’s NAFTA and felt he wasnt addressing global warming or social injustices. I disliked George Bush Sr even more, but didn’t see Clinton/Gore as good enough. I was going to “vote my conscience.” I also felt that Bush Jr. Was such a dope with no actual platform that there was no way he would win.

    Democrats were riding a budget surplus and Gore was running on fiscal responsibility. Gore looked like a leader and Bush looked like a dumb daddy’s boy who wouldn’t have a mic if it wasnt for his daddy.

    Geb Bush effectively stole the election for his brother because the votes in Florida were so close and Bush Jr. Was elected.

    At the time I said to myself, “ahh, 4 years of slightly worse president… what’s the worst that could happen.”

    Well, 9-11 happened with Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld at the wheel.

    Thousands of american soldiers died, SUVs became the new standard vehicle, oil and gas exploration exploded, millions of innocent civilians died, the PATRIOT act was drafted and passed legalizing warrantless wiretapping and tourture, and political discourse turned to utterly useless debates over what to call french fries. FOX news became the new american standard for news, rendering the populous dumber than ever and trillions of dollars were wasted killing people and our climate.

    I attended protests throughout and never felt like I made even the faintest dent against the machine…

    Obama, for all his flaws, felt like a gift from God after the hell of Bush Jr.

    I agree with many of the others. Focus on getting ranked choice voting in your area. Try to get third parties into the debates. But actually voting for a third party is useless until we get ranked choice.