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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Unfortunately in this election (like last one and probably the next few elections at least), we don’t have the luxury of voting for who we most idealistically agree with, or making a protest statement. Fascism and authoritarianism are on the rise here (and in many other places). It has completely taken control of one of the two major parties, the Republican party.

    The way our electoral system works, if we don’t vote for the only viable opposition, which is the Democrats, we are in danger of allowing an authoritarian regime to take over and toss democracy and our civil rights aside. Once democracy is lost it will take generations to get back, if ever. Trump in spite of everything, is the likely republican nominee (if not, someone just like him). See what would happen if he gets into office again here: https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-2024-platform-so-far-1.6961527

    That’s scary as hell. Despite people being unhappy with Biden or his age, he has accomplished a lot in spite of the odds, with republicans doing all in their power to stop him. See https://navigatorresearch.org/lowering-drug-prices-and-investing-in-infrastructure-are-most-popular-and-known-biden-accomplishments/

    But the main point is that electing Biden (or whatever Democrat it may be if he doesn’t run for some reason) will prevent the authoritarian regime from taking power.