I got the FLCL art book from somewhere. I’ll try to remember and find my sources, but probably tomorrow since it’s late here right now.
I got the FLCL art book from somewhere. I’ll try to remember and find my sources, but probably tomorrow since it’s late here right now.
Sparty Kiss
I’m basically on my first days of researching so I know very little right now, and happened to stumble on your post by chance. I’ve started by reading through this over on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/microgrowery/wiki/beginguide/
Some ideas I have involve using the heat from my server to maintain a desired temperature. But again, complete newbie right now, so I’m going to keep reading/learning, and should be starting soon enough!
Feel free to link up any resources you’ve found helpful. :D
Looks nice! I’m in the learning/reading stages of doing this for myself.
Probably packed with tools and things, not just source code.
Definitely see a vet.
Things that can help (but not remediate): Keep the water bowl full and add a second if it ever empties, just to ensure access. Keep stress low.
Do the dev tools show anything interesting? Networking calls, etc?
Thanks for the rundown!
Feel like the safe bet is to buy books that predate ChatGPT.
At work it was like… Most software developers had android devices, and then business and management had iPhones.
Looks like it’s wearing some headphones
Sometimes I do what I call “time travelling” where I pirate first with the intention to buy later when it’s cheaper.