uwu owo etc., you know…

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • kinda the same, honestly. Just turned on my Switch months ago, renewed my subscription and got hooked again.

    RPG was fun. Haven’t played the original one, tjough. Music, enemies are OK- Haven’t played the endgame, if there’s any.

    Difficultywise, it was fairly easy and light game, but didn’t expect else 😄 or maybe I did too much grinding.

    So, I liked it. Though not sure about that 60 EUR, but oh well.

  • I mean, sure, but this is no more than semantics.

    AOSP can stand on its own foot on a device, you don’t need any peoprietary stuff to get it up and running (except maybe vendor specific things, like drivers, if the given device needs those). Maybe it’s my fault, but I would call that Android. (maybe it’s like Chrome vs Chromium, VSCode vs Codium etc…)

    It’s another story people got used to the package Google provides, but in my understanding, it’s completely optional. You aren’t bound to the services they provide on a clean Android.

    but I may be wrong.