ugly bag of mostly water
don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine
This is amazing - so imaginative and creative!
H|ψ> = E|ψ> 😘
There’s a user called dragonfucker whose gender is apparently “dragonfucker”, who insists on the neopronoun “drag”, and who eagerly takes offense whenever misgendered, whether the misgendering was intentional or not. Some people understandably believe this user is a troll.
Looks delicious! Add some filé and I’m there.
You gotta get up to get down
All I know is that they’re sellouts.
Those are pretty great cat thumbs.
It’s how I memorized the diatomics in undergrad :)
Do you not have a VPN?
On a red pie I always do broccoli, red onions, olives, mushrooms, tomatoes, and peppers. Plus sometimes spinach. The key is for these to all be fresh, not canned or frozen. Plus artichoke hearts would be good too (canned & marinated are fine).
Ha yeah my first thought was “Hang on, does Everett live down the shore?”
Mochi is adorbs, give hug now!!
I’ve never been able to get orchids to successfully rebloom. What did you do?