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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Good point. Sorry I wasn’t clear. I only meant that they couldn’t branch out and develop other games like they wanted to. Essentially I was making the same point that you are in terms of what they HAD to develop. MS it was Halo, Sony it’s destiny but in either place they did not have the option to make new IP. At least maybe not till now but that looks more like a forced dev.

    I agree with your sentiment, though that Sony is pushing them more in house.

  • I would generally agree with this statement but I think in this particular case it may be a bad thing. From what I understood of the article they are taking a portion of the Bungie dev team and spinning off to be a part of the Sony game devs. I have a feeling the manage team being taken out had been a big pushback on that.

    Bungie wanted to leave Microsoft because they wanted to do new things and not just Halo. Unfortunately it turned out activation screwed them in terms of their development and mad then cut 70% of the D1 story with less than a year to release.

    After all that they are eventually bought by Sony that now does almost the same thing MS was doing to them.

    Don’t get me wrong, I am glad it’s more managers and corporate office than devs but I have a bad feeling that this is just the start of a bad turn of events for them.

  • Not sure where you are at but a new faceplate is like $2 max. You can get one that is double outlet one big box and one tiny slot for the switch it you want. You can also opt to replace the other switch as well with a sea saw switch that is in a box shape as well for like $5.

    There are options.

    Way back I had replaced some of mine with Wemos before they went cloud based. I did exactly this, replaced the faceplate for like $1.50 and was set.

    Do you have a tasmota switch in mind already?

  • Good point. I could totally see a “why would yo use that instead of this…” kind of comments.

    Okay so Fedora was one of my first Linux experiences so take what I say with a grain of salt. I really like it and its package manager is nice. A lot of the same features can be found in other distros just using other tools. The way it does web hosting is something I like (or liked) a lot but almost all of that is now down using Docker for me.

    The one thing to keep in mind is that the community forums are not as user friendly as Ubuntu. At least this was the case 10 years ago when I was new. There were a lot of “how hard is it to search for httpd in the forums” when the question was similar to “how do i setup web hosting.”

    The one thing that is not server specific but I would recommend is that you look into docker and portainer if you have not already. That is how I host almost all of my services now. Using nginx proxy manager (nginxproxymanager.com) as the front end for almost all of has made my life a heck of a lot simpler. Good luck with trying out your new server.

  • Not trying to be a jerk but if you don’t want any comparisons then how are you going to get any actual feedback other than “it’s good” or “it’s okay/bad.”

    Don’t get me wrong I run fedora as my main server and love it. That’s about all I can say since I can’t give you a comparison of what it’s like vs Ubuntu, CentOS, or windows.

    Then again most of my main services I run are all docker containers now but that runs about the same on almost all servers.