Shut-in, keeper of weird hours.

  • 124 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2023


    1. Ok (um, then they do it why?) My attention has been really divided for the past couple days, so I haven’t really read very deeply into PPA.

    2. Didn’t know that; maybe they should reconfigure themselves to be more like Wikipedia? 🤷 It seems like Wikipedia has way more users than FF, and they’re able to keep going on the small donations they request from time to time.

    3. Indeed it does! And it might be nice if it wasn’t checked by default like it was in mine, but ok, I guess.

    Also, what have hamsters ever done to you? 😉

  • Does anyone know if the PPA/Personal Pan Pizza Privacy/Whatever thing has an about:config entry or is it controlled from about:preferences#privacy?

    EDIT: To answer my own question, the about:config entry is “dom.private-attribution.submission.enabled” which should be set to “false”; for those of us who use arkenfox, you should add this to your user-overrides.js file and then run the updater:

    user_pref(“dom.private-attribution.submission.enabled”, false); // Disable Privacy-Preserving Attribution

    This is correct AFAICT.

    EDIT EDIT: Also, possibly naive question: Why can’t Mozilla/Firefox just ask for donations like Wikipedia does instead of sneaking around, which they sort of seem to do once in a while?

  • Actually, I’m not really that tech-savvy despite being a Linux (Mint) person, and especially not compared to the average Beehawer! I can usually learn how to do things if the instructions are well-written enough. Webflow does have a forum, but I’ve gotten so much “RTFM” (not from Webflow but from other places), despite doing actual, honest-to-god reasearch, that I’m always a bit reluctant to ask questions. I guess that’s no reason not to buck up and try though . . . could really use a live, flesh-and-blood knowlegeable human to ask their advice; I don’t know, maybe I’m just too impatient.

    Open-sourced but doesn’t work with Firefox… Does that make it something on chromium?

    Not quite sure what you mean there . . .

  • It’s for my business. I think Webflow is actually very well designed, and is much more in line with how I think about things. I’m trying to do something a bit unusual and complicated which is where I’m running into problems. I really need some help and advice with it, but no one seems to want to give it, even if I offer to pay them!

    Before I gave a try before I realized that I was trying to get it to do something it wasn’t really designed for (and also paying a supposedly well-regarded web developer a deposit who then did a rather half-assed job and then disappeared on me). Grrr.

    Webstudio (?) is an open source version of Webflow but, rather incredibly, doesn’t work with Firefox!

    After all that, I’m not sure I actually answered your question…

  • It’s possible that the Dems would have held the House, barely, if the New York Democratic party hadn’t completely screwed up redistricting, so that’s maybe a "soft false." I think what he means by “charismatic” is someone like Reagan who appeals to the other side of the aisle (Reagan Democrats in this case); Trump is only charismatic to his own followers. I consider the Afghanistan withdrawal to be, overall, a highly positive thing; yes, it was handled badly, but it’s the easiest thing in the world to keep a forever war going, and at least there Biden put a stop to it, so I give him high marks for that at least. Anyway, I wonder if that is considered a foreign policy failure; I don’t, but others might. Not trying to blindly defend Lichtman or anything, just trying to cling to whatever shred of hope remains. I think it ends up sort of being how Lichtman himself interprets the keys a month or two before election day.

    EDIT: Rereading key #1, “After the midterm elections, the incumbent party holds more seats in the U.S. House of Representatives than after the previous midterm elections,” I guess that even if the NY Dems hadn’t screwed up there probably would have been a smaller majoirty than before, ergo false.