@hadowenkiroast:catgirl.cloud mas.to/@Had_Owen_ki_Roast
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thanks, I try to put as much good in the world as I can. Everyone can benefit from kindness.
Wordle 1.344 2/6
5th time playing, was so pumped I got it second time.
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Wordle 1.339 6/6
3rd time playing, 2nd time geussing it
Losing a dear pet never is easy, but try to find solace in the idea you where his whole life (of the biggest part of it). You gave your pet the best he could have had.
There is now forever a paw marked on your heart.
I have 2 cats, but have a room dedicated to sheltering old cats. Tl;dr I’m a palliative care unit for a local shelter and I deal with a lot of loss.
What keeps me going is that I do truly believe I give them the best “end” of their life and that even of their stays are short. I gave them all the love I have.
Feel free to reach out to me of u wanna talk, share, reminesce or just simply ask questions.
Wordle 1.338 6/6
Second time playing wordle, first time getting the word
Wordle 1.337 X/6
First time playing wordle