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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • This game got me good. The atmosphere and way it drips out puzzle after puzzle is so rewarding. I drew maps. I wrote down a litany of notes on my iPad to keep track of. I tried to solve everything I could on my own until I just couldn’t any more. It felt like playing games as a kid where you had to have paper handy and wrote down passcodes.

    Pouring over every inch of the map was so fun, and while I do think there will be copy cats to this game pop up in the next year, I don’t think anyone will be able to capture the magic of this again. It’s like its own singular entity that no one else has ever done. Not in this way.

    For that, it’s my game of the year. Astro Bot is my second, since it’s a technically near perfect game. But it’s also simply peak platformer. Animal Well is novel. It’s just built different.

  • I have this feeling that once it starts going on more sales and more people play it the general consensus will be that’s it’s a pretty solid game. I also imagine like a lot of these games there will be a patch in the next month that fixes a litany of issues.

    You’re right it’s kind of interesting that the factions don’t really add a lot of meaningful gameplay mechanics, but oh well. At first I was like, “I’m not working with the Pykes AT ALL because I know what happens in your spice mines.” But you end up just being friends with all of them as needed (to get their rewards).

    Just having this big coat of Star Wars paint over this otherwise fairly standard action/shooter/open world game really does make it more fun, though. I still have a bit to go in the story, but I’m just basting around cleaning up side quests right now because it’s fun to do.

  • Honestly, Outlaws has flaws, BUUUUT it’s fun as hell. It’s a 7/10 game, but it’s fun. I enjoy my time with it even though I see some glitches here or there, or that the lip sync is a little jank.

    It’s a big ass Star Wars game (with no AC towers hooray!) where you get to rub shoulders with scoundrels and play Sabacc and visit honestly cool locations that are visually impressive.

    I feel like most of the issues it has is probably a function of “we need this game out by X date” versus the devs’ ability.

  • Overall I enjoyed it, but I’d say it’s probably a mid-tier FF if you we are taking them all as a whole. So, to me, it’s a solid RPG and a solid game, but it doesn’t redefine anything, necessarily.

    But I definitely enjoyed it.

    I had seen some complaints that you “only get one sword! It’s dumb!” And I don’t know where that came from: you craft lots of swords. Maybe they are upset you only use a sword as your primary melee weapon? To which I might point out Cloud, Squall, Tidus, Lightning, most FF protagonists in games without job systems. It’s a sword plus magic like most FF games.

    Maybe the complaint is that you don’t get to use other characters since they mostly just do their own thing. OK, sure. But also, that’s the game. If they’d have just lifted the FF7 combat people would bitch about that, too. It’s like a no-win situation.

  • Yeah other than this weird thing where the quest made landing the ship weird, I have had anything totally break the game — though it did crash on me once. But the autosave got me maybe ten seconds before that so I loaded right back where I was.

    Mostly I’ve just seen little graphical bugs. Like when you fly off world and the “loading clouds” show up. Sometimes there will be a flash of a big, black chunk of the screen that shows up for a split second. Stuff like that.

    I wouldn’t mind if Kay got her own little series out this. She’s cool, and Nix is cool. I like them both.

  • I’m right in the middle of this game currently, and I do fully see some of the jank that shows up in this game. And it does have some issues (I couldn’t land my ship on the starting planet until I finished a specific quest, but the game doesn’t tell you this).

    However, I’m finding the game pretty fun overall and kinda hope they iterate on this scoundrel idea and make sequel. I’m having fun sneaking in and looting all these places.