Right?! Just because I have people under me doesn’t mean I’m not on their side. I’m not a board member. I don’t get anything from them making my life hell by treating employees poorly and expecting me to take the shit.
Right?! Just because I have people under me doesn’t mean I’m not on their side. I’m not a board member. I don’t get anything from them making my life hell by treating employees poorly and expecting me to take the shit.
I worked for a company that had its “best year ever” and brought in $220m. They said they were on track to beat $300m next year. I was offered a promotion, but turned it down because 2.8% wasn’t enough to take a manager role. They got offended and fired me.
A good way to tell if a company has ever been shitty to their employees is if they have a union. Unionizing is no easy task, and for things to get that bad it usually requires a shitty corporation.
Pay your people well. Treat them like your kids. (In the Norman Rockwell, everything is perfect, sort of way 😅)
Also uplifted!
And really, how could a billionaire really lose their money? Like, you have a billion dollars… stop fucking about and retire! You don’t need more. Clearly no concept of money.
I got tboned by an Uber eats employee because they weren’t paying attention and ran a red light. The driver had only been driving for a few months, and had no business being rushed by some app to meet some quota. Because of them, I’m permanently fucked up.
Sounds like a pretty dumb way to not diversify