• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • I think you’re confused by the purpose of that statement. When the authors say not to use it for anything important, they’re basically trying to waive liability (informally). It’s kind of like how every open source license has a statement like:


    If you use an open source project for air traffic control software, and a bug causes a bunch of people to die, that’s your fault, not the author of the software. The CLIP people are essentially saying that you shouldn’t use their software to build something that requires a lot of accuracy since it probably wasn’t designed to be as accurate as you need it to be.

    But what I’m wondering is why you’re being so dramatic about this. You’re claiming that it’s highly dangerous/reckless/risky to use it, yet hand waving over the why.

  • I’ve been on Silverblue (well, Kinoite) for quite a while now, and the only issue I remember having was that I had to use flatseal once to give steam access to an external drive when adding a new library folder.

    Everything seems to work fine. I’ve never been prevented from playing a game when I wanted to due to immutability or flatpak issues.

  • Maybe I’m in the minority here but I’m not a huge fan of the recent trend of sex in mainstream video games. Besides the janky awkwardness of polygons, there’s something off-putting to me about my character having sex. Am I supposed to be pretending that it’s me as I watch the animation happening? When I play a game (esp. an RPG) I can get really immersed in the experience and feel like the mouse/controller is an extension of my hand, shooting fireballs and whatnot. So is it also supposed to be an extension of my penis when my character starts having sex? Am I supposed to be jacking off for maximum immersion?

    In movies it’s different because when a character in a movie has sex, the audience understands that they’re watching someone else do it. I’ve never seen a movie where I’m supposed to pretend like I’m the main character and I’m the one having sex. (Hardcore Henry notwithstanding)

    I have nothing against porn or adult games as their own thing, but encountering it in a regular game always throws me out of the immersion. Coming from a mainstream studio, it also just feels like a desperate cash grab aimed at horny teenagers more than anything else, even if it’s nothing more than a short fade to black.

  • I think ui/ux has the opposite problem where there are not enough programmers. Idk if there is a shortage of ux people, but I do know that it takes a significant amount of work to implement and maintain ui projects.

    If you are interested in helping out though, you should join the discussion forums for a project like KDE or Gnome. I doubt the Gnome people will give you the time of day, but there are many KDE projects that would appreciate volunteer work from someone like you. Browse the discussions at htltps://discuss.kde.org and see if you can find a project to latch on to, or find a project you think you can improve, and proactively reach out to the maintainer(s) with a proposal.

    Just be mindful that it may take a while before your changes are implemented, since everyone is a volunteer with other jobs and responsibilities.

  • Just played for a few hours on my Steam Deck and yeah it does feel a lot like Fallout, but with extra steps. It’s very polished and I’m sure I’ll have a lot of fun with it eventually, but so far I’ve been disappointed with the little I’ve seen.

    I got the game for free though, so I don’t feel too bad lol

  • inhales

    I don’t know what window you been sticking your head out of, but bring it back in and put your seatbelt back on because the Linux train is not going to stop for your ass.

    The Windows desktop was good many moons ago, sadly today it’s just a useless mess.

    FTFY. KDE has more features, is more customizable, and has better performance than Windows. Personal preference is one thing, but you’re just wrong here.

    Printers, NVIDIA GPUs, latest Intel CPUs, WiFi, Bluetooth, DRM protected stuff, etc.

    Printers!?!?! When was the last time you tried to connect a printer to a Linux machine? They all work out of the box with zero config needed, no matter what distro you’re using. The same can’t be said about Windows, where you need to hunt for drivers to install and keep an eye out for that sneaky Mcafee checkbox. Printers are a solved problem everywhere except Windows.

    Nvidia GPUs work fine. Again, I don’t know what paint you’ve been snorting. My current workstation has a 4090 in it, but before that I had a 1080->980->970. I went full time Linux with the 980, and never had any problems. I think you’re confusing the complaints; the complaints about Nvidia are that their driver is not open source. The drivers do work though, and they perform much better on Linux than on Windows (ask anyone doing compute heavy work, like AI, simulation, rendering). Nvidia’s recent trillion dollar valuation has little to do with PC gaming (Windows or not).

    Wifi and Bluetooth work fine. That’s a myth perpetuated online by crack heads. If you can’t get wifi and bluetooth working on your machine, that’s on you.

    Idk about the latest intel chips, but I do have a 7th gen Ryzen in my workstation, and it all works perfectly. Even if the latest intel chip doesn’t work today, of course it will be fixed. Linux is a primary platform for Intel and AMD both. Choosing Windows because of that is like preordering a digital game (aka pointless and dumb).

    Apps ranging from Photoshop to Fusion 360, from TI and Evolv…

    I understand your point of view. You’re used to a shitty operating system, and don’t have experience with one hyper optimized for virtualization like Linux. Even if you don’t have the technical skills to run software through Wine, or with an easy wrapper, there are many GUIs you can use to run Windows in a VM, with GPU passthrough and everything.

  • Linux time.

    Best UI

    KDE’s UI is better, even if you don’t take the lack of ads into account.

    hardware compatibility

    What hardware do you use that isn’t compatible with Linux? The only time I had a problem with that was when I was sold a bootleg PS4 controller on ebay once, and it didn’t work via USB (official controllers do work tho). Connecting via Bluetooth fixed it.

    I can also play games


    industrial apps

    …like forklift firmware?