Looks like Alberta has a leak that’s spilling into the USA
Looks like Alberta has a leak that’s spilling into the USA
Strands #220
“Full house”
Awesome. Thanks!
Do I have to manually delete the trash files after changing the setting?
I’m picking up what you’re throwing down. I’m writing one on qBittorrent and will take that into considering. Thanks for helping me.
I rewrote my original quadlet article, can you have a look and let me know what you think? https://ericthomas.ca/posts/setting-up-podman-quadlets/
That’s a good tip. Thanks. I think I might tweak the existing posts for readability.
I didn’t know this. Thanks for the info.
I’m still learning how to write good posts. I’ll this into consideration for the next one.
I have a Hugo site hosted on GitHub and I use CloudFlare Pages to put it on my custom domain. You don’t have to use GitHub to host the repo. Except for the cost of the domain, it’s free.
You’re welcome, stay tuned for more posts about Quadlets.
The ports you need (unless you changed any) are:
Most of my experience is in .NET at work. My professional recommendation is C#, but my personal recommendation is Go. I find Go to be just nicer to code with.
How do you use compose with Podman?
VS Code on my laptop, neovim when sshing to my servers, and Nextcloud Notes on my phone
I wrote a blog post about how to remove the ads and enable dark mode for JDownloder2 here.