The more accurate, yet not at all funny interpretation
The more accurate, yet not at all funny interpretation
In short, it’s not planned. The work necessary is out of scope for Jellyfin
No, there’s an “Auto” setting on clients but it doesn’t work especially well and doesn’t adjust on-the-fly like the big streamers can.
If you’re watching high quality video like blu-ray remuxes, that’s a much higher bitrate than stuff like Netflix. Netflix will also automatically adjust the quality of the stream, whereas Jellyfin will default to max quality.
The first thing I’d try is this:
You could set the max bitrate to a lower level on the Roku that’s lagging, maybe 15 Mbps (generally the highest bitrate used by Netflix)
The missing word in the title is Media. Should be “Anime and Other Media Piracy”
I’ve been a Linux user for nearly 20 years and my main gaming rig is Mint because it’s convenient and gets out of my way when it’s time to game.
They have a higher rate of arthritis, but they’re significantly healthier overall than comparable dog breeds like Dachshunds or Corgis.
Damn, never playing Elden Ring? Your loss ig
If you could put this into an issue on the jellyfin-server github page, the devs would have much more visibility into it.
That said, the first thing I would try is clearing those apps’ caches to see if that somehow magically fixes it. After upgrades, clearing app caches is often the fix for new wonkiness.
It’s especially annoying as someone who had blocked 196 in order to scroll through All and not be completely swamped by mediocre memes. Had to block 2 more communities all of a sudden.
I’ve been much happier abandoning games and shows even if I’m 95% done just because they stopped being fun. Completion is overrated
They’re using Plex for friends and JF for themselves, if you read the comment you replied to.
That was how I started out. 2e Wizard with 7 HP total, Con as my second highest stat. He still managed to get killed at the end of his first module. Fortunately my 2nd Wizard still survives. None have bested Gilderath of the Golden Orb
I use one as a Jellyfin server and to stream my main gaming PC to my home theater setup via Moonlight. Works great and since it’s all wired LAN the latency added is under 10ms end to end
Personally, I use containers for ease and simplicity of updates for all my various server apps. You can use k8s to run your docker containers, but personally since it’s just all on one PC, I use docker compose for everything.
Bannerlord finally has some cool mods for it nowadays
Poor guy. I mean he’s ridiculously lucky to be as famous as he is and to have been compensated fairly for the rest of his Sonic/SEGA music but it sucks that one of his most famous works has effectively been stolen by a corporation’s sense of entitlement.
I don’t have backups, but I do have a 14TB parity drive in the DAS, using SnapRAID to update it nightly.
The transfer speed of the USB connection is higher than my ethernet speed, so it never bottlenecks me.
I don’t use OMV but I do use MergerFS + SnapRAID. Works great so far.