David From Space

I’m David. I live in Tacoma, Washington. I do square foot gardening, home automation with Home Assistant, and have too many cats.

You think you saw me behind some ferns? You just might have!

  • 56 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • What are you doing with your machine that would be confusing for your standard end user? KDE out of the box is good enough for my daily driving. PopOS, Bazzite, and Mint work great. GUI options for most normal computing things you’d do these days. The amount of customization allowed on an end user’s machine is often minimal anyway. Plus, you sorta imply that the end user would be doing all this, instead of an IT admin preconfiguring a machine with Ansible or a custom install script. I think you may be over estimating what your typical business user does. It’s mostly “Here’s my chat, here’s my browser, here’s my 1-5 LOB apps, here’s my printer. Can I change my background to my kids? Great.”

  • I feel like I’ll be reposting this video a lot, but I love ✨LEAF MOLD✨

    In my garden, I took some chicken wire, a few stakes, and made a place for leaves, about 3-4 feet across.

    Just like compost, mix it every few days and moisten it to the level of a damp sponge (appropriate for your climate). After a year (yes, a year), you’ll have a pile of broken down organic matter, and a lovely leaf mold environment.

    Also, Leaf mold breaks down leaves way faster when you already have a starter pile of it to add to from last year.

  • I haven’t seen that before, sounds like a bug report may be in order; maybe first look under the ‘Encryption’ section.

    Under ‘Encryption’, check to make sure it shows your password is valid, and see if the number of decrypted items matches your other devices? Also, at one time I managed to have several encryption keys, see if it only lists the one or multiple.