Mint chutney. Mmmmmm!
Mint chutney. Mmmmmm!
¿Porqué no los dos?
That title seems like a lot to assume from the “study”. An online survey? Really? Even the follow-up was tiny. At best, this seems like it’s a hint for further research.
They’re not great.
My dad signed up somehow years ago. He doesn’t even have a printer anymore. He swears he’s canceled, but I keep seeing a monthly bill. They aren’t even sending him ink. Thanks for reminding me that I need to get the bank to stop charges.
I’ve had a Brother laser printer for years now. Zero regrets. I’m never going back to the ink jet mafia.
Weird. Doesn’t he usually show up on toast?
And they make it tricky as hell to find the hobbyist license. I really hate this exploitative shit. Same for Adobe.
That’s cool , but it’s paleontology, not archeology.
There have been plenty of studies on psilocybin with human subjects. None of them included vivisection or bisection. We have other ways of testing this sort of thing.
In rats. I’ve yet to read a human study on microdosing that showed any effects greater than placebo.
I’ve been thinking exactly the same thing. Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. Each of them a complete shit show of disinformation and censorship. Blogs and personal web sites are pretty much dead. It’s getting harder and harder for anyone without buckets of money to stand on equal ground.
I guess this just means they prefer the version of me with no morels.
He’s one of the absolute best.