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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • organice is front end that runs entirely in a mobile or desktop browser that allows you to access and edit org files easily with a touchscreen or mouse and keyboard. It obviously doesn’t have full org mode functionality, but it does a have a calendar view.


    All you have to do is navigate to https://organice.200ok.ch in your phone’s browser and then pin it to your start screen. The PWA is downloaded and you can now access a remote webdav server with the locally saved front end of organice. No data is sent to organice, the only function of the website is to give you an easy place to download the PWA to your device using a web browser.

    I love love love love org mode, it is just simple yet so powerful and there really is nothing else like it, I can’t really recommend anything else in good conscience here, especially since most other options (except for logseq https://logseq.com/ which I am not sure does everything you want?) are commercial and who knows what the hell will happen when the company goes out of business or is bought out by someone else?

    I recommend Spacemacs or Doom emacs as a nice starting point for emacs, or you can just start with basic emacs and build it yourself as org mode is included in the default distribution of emacs.

    An additional thing to think about, there is an android release of emacs coming up, so org mode might get much more accessible on the go in the future!

    No worries if you aren’t interested, I am just providing some additional context.



    This video is a great thorough but approachable explanation of why org mode is so special:


  • Sure it could happen, but I don’t understand what relevance that has when you compare it to the fact that you KNOW without a shadow of a doubt corporations are going to sell your data to the maximal amount they can, even if it is illegal.

    Besides this isn’t about our data being sold or not being sold really (our data will be mined and sold by somebody so long as it is publicly available on social networks), it is about who has the power and who doesn’t. Does a single corporation run by a billionaire fascist-baby have the power or an imperfect constellation of developers, instance maintainers and moderators?

  • True I don’t mean to insinuate there aren’t dangerous creatures in swamps, they are the cities of nature, you find everything there.

    Like human cities though, there is a safety in the crowd, in the wild variety of different forms and tendencies. It means that no particular process or force is likely to swing wildly out of control, no animal is going to overrun the swamp. If the swamp becomes full of some icky animal, let’s say cockroaches (or imagine locusts in a landscape of monoculture agriculture), then the swamp will soon become full of bullfrogs and other predators and only somewhat full of cockroaches lol. Things are smoothed out in a very complex way that makes swamps a much “safer” environment than you might expect because the constant ecological conversation between everything in the swamp keeps things in check.

    What happens when that system breaks down is like what you see with ticks in the eastern US. The general hardwood landscapes of the east have had their ecological engine thrown so far out of whack (doesn’t help that the two most titular, climax species of eastern US hardwoods, Elms and Chestnuts are functionally extinct in the wild from diseases introduced by Europeans) that tick populations are skyrocketing along with tick borne diseases. The forests are not functioning like a swamp where an element going too far out of whack is inevitably mediated by another element. If you live in a place like I grew up in SE New England it has gotten so bad you can’t really go for a walk in the woods without becoming covered in ticks. This was NOT something my parents generation had to worry about, ticks were like leeches, something awful you very infrequently encountered in the wild. Not a daily risk on your health.

    It is no coincidence that so many freshwater wetlands were erased wholesale from the landscape of America, filled in, polluted beyond function or destroyed. It is tragically poetic that North America’s most impressive city, Mexico City, was built around an ancient and complex interweaving of humans with a wetland, the Spanish Conquistadors were too primitive to understand complex technology though and drained most of it (well, many of them probably did and the violence to the landscape was a feature not a bug). The nutrient efficiency and sophistication of aqua-cultural techniques developed in concert with a surrounding lake/wetland must have been incredibly impressive (look into chinampas ), remember we are talking about the same people who somehow bred basic-ass meadow grass into corn, which the more you look into the breeding and development of the more bewildered you get.

    I think the unsettling thing is that the whole biome is crawling or buzzing. Feeling like inhaling will choke you on a gnat cloud, every surface has some grouchy venomous thing that’ll stick ya

    Without the cities of the forest, without healthy freshwater wetlands, the ecological web between animals, plants, nutrients and resources has become fragile to stresses like climate change. The landscape of SE New England has become absolutely covered in ticks in exactly the same creepy way that thinking about being covered in bugs in a swamp makes you feel, and it is because we destroyed the swamps.

    That is what I mean when I say swamps are the cleanest places in nature.

  • Of course you shouldn’t but there is a categorical difference between the risk of a corporation exploiting you because of a power imbalance (you want to use Reddit, there aren’t alternatives in this hypothetical scenario) and the rando running your fediverse instance abandoning the project or being weird about your data.

    The second category can definitely be problematic, but it just isn’t the same level of awfulness and systematic exploitation that corporations wield every day to extract a profit.

    It sounds like a weird statement because we have been trained to think the average “other” we will encounter in society as dangerous, but if you actually think about the statistics then yes absolutely it makes way more sense to trust a random person or handful of people to run your instance than a corporation. Publicly traded corporations are legally required to be assholes in the pursuit of profit, on the other hand most of the time randos usually aren’t assholes, though to be safe you should always be cautious as you say.

  • I mean it’s compelling evidence but frankly you are going to need to provide a lot more cross substantiating backup evidence to prove such bold claims.

    This isn’t a smoking gun like the infamous Nessie Photo that proved the existence of modern subfjord lava cave Plesiosaurs, and y’all think that just providing this one picture proves it all….

  • The thing I don’t get about you Birds Are Real freaks is that if birds were indeed still real and they were in fact plotting against us, why wouldn’t you just join them and help them plot? Certainly you would be in the most powerful position in the human race if you became the loyal human minions the new global overlords could trust.

    The internal logic of you peoples weird little, let’s face it CONSPIRACY, doesn’t even make sense or at least it means y’all would fight on the human side in a Global Human-Bird War instead of the birds. I mean come on, if we actually did live in the absurd reality you believe is true where birds are still real then how could you possibly live with that choice?

    All the cool people would immediately realize Bird Kingdom would be way fuckin better than this B-movie budget slow motion apocalypse where only a handful of billionaires have died yet in submarines.

  • As a founding member of the organization Birds Were Real, I resent this conflation of reality. Clearly this is evidence that birds were at some point real but now are not, Birds Aren’t Real is trying to spread propaganda to push a narrative that is factually wrong.

    From research and data we can tell birds existed at some point, the fossil record is inarguable, but there is zero evidence that there are any living birds left among the cohort scientists claim as living examples of “birds”. It seems like every other week news comes out about how some flying creature that scientists were previously totally confident was in the bird family is actually a totally different unrelated animal like a bat or a cricket or a flying squirrel.

    The Birds Aren’t Real people are absolute nutjobs, they deny the reality of the fossil record right in front of their very eyes, as hard as it is to believe for some, birds did exist long ago in Earth’s history but at some point they all left on a spaceship and never came back (what do you honestly believe Dodos just went… extinct because Europeans slaughtered them all for no good reason? They had built complex aqueducts and developed basic electronics by that point, there is no way they would have just let their bird sect be wiped out, it would be like human beings not developing a masculine culture of war and logic to fight back against saber tooth tigers, not a chance).

  • dumpsterlid@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzimagine
    7 months ago

    I love the illustration but clearly this man would become a basketball star and this illustration should have been him dunking a basketball with super long frog legs since it’s basically inevitable.

    Dunking a basketball is the first thing you would do with frog leg superpowers, it is the first thing I would do with frog leg superpowers, it is the first thing any reasonable person would do, we are literally all in agreement with this (except for people that can already dunk I suppose but they would have even more reason to try dunking with their new set of legs right?).

  • I LOVE that netrunner is being maintained by a community organization and I love most aspects of netrunner but when I actually tried to play it I bounced off pretty hard.

    I think the thing that broke it for me was the fact that you just have to memorize which Icebreakers goes to which Ice (a fracter to break a…code gate?). Every time I would bring this up with players they would just assure me it takes a bit to memorize but I threw multiple of my games just from confusing this. I suggested to the local netrunner group I was trying the game at that the ice and icebreakers should be color coded, or have symbols or at least something on the starter set to help new players and everyone kind of reacted like “yeah I guess but honesty why?” and in that moment I realized netrunner is for a very specific kind of person and I am not it.

    Honestly, there are too many good board games to sit there trying to memorize fiddly bits like what icebreakers go to which ice. Yes it is pretty simple but you have to hold that in your head and I can’t do that very well and the fact that the game designers just couldn’t empathize with that or care about it (the likely retort being “if you can’t remember those rules this game is probably too complicated for you”) didn’t make me feel welcome as a player.

    I’ll stick with complex board games that give me every tool possible to remember their rules easily.