The old stylings are hot.
Mastodon: Avatar drawn by
The old stylings are hot.
He has seen the kinds of things the complainers complain about so I wouldn’t be surprised if he just started ignoring the vast majority of complaints and trusted his writing team.
Looks like they’re paying for it. Looks good to me.
Has to be the article doesn’t give an artist credit that I can see.
Why is that thumbnail unsettling as hell.
On hey I buy storage from them.
Yeah that’s what I’m thinking. If you are feeding your own works into a model or something then I’m not going to go all pitchforks about it but using a voice model instead of a voiceactor is automatically out. AI generated artwork is also out. I just flat am not interested.
But something homemade for a particular purpose I can consider.
This is surprisingly fun.
Im starting to agree with that premise. Since these models only exist using the public’s data they should be public models only. No commercial use.
Im about to get my pitchforks out over it man.
Cause it looks shitty. A literal Ms paint scribble would be better.
Why an ai image
Complainers are loud that’s all. The vibe of this expansion was made pretty clear waaaaaay before launch.
This is the only thing I can think when I see that name.
Reminds me of a ginko leaf I like it.
Would you eat toast that had been buttered with the bog butter?
That ven diagram is maybe 3 degrees away from a circle.
It’s amazing that someone with such a garbage personality has a cult of personality.
I love the style on this one.