Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • Dharma Curious@slrpnk.nettoScience Memes@mander.xyzChicken vs Egg
    2 months ago

    I’ve always interpreted it as which came first, the chicken or the chicken egg?

    But I’d just like to point out not all religions have that view of creationism vs evolution, and even within Christianity it’s really only your super conservative, and very loud, fundamentalists. Catholicism doesn’t have an official stance on evolution, iirc, the Episcopal church in the USA is fully supportive of evolution, as are most mainline Christians. Not to detract from your point or anything, I just don’t like seeing all religious people, or all Christians, lumped together with some of the worst examples of religiosity that the US has to offer.

  • Oh damn, that sucks. I got to talk to him a phone call once. A friend of a friend was making a podcast and somehow got his contact info. She asked him if he’d be willing to come on the show for an interview, and he said he didn’t have time, but was there anything we’d like to ask about. She spoke to him for about 5 minutes then handed the phone to me, and he and I talked for about 45 minutes. It was amazing. He just rambled on and on. He asked if I had any physics questions and I asked “if you had a giant vinyl record shaped device in space and spun the center at near light speeds, why wouldn’t the outter edge move at/beyond c?”

    He spent 45 minutes on the answer. I asked no other questions, but he went from saying basically “it would tear itself apart” to then talking about how light speed isn’t really a constant speed, that light travels at different speeds depending on the medium, and potentially in the early universe it was faster, anything that managed to exceed light speed would be considered a tachyon, then he started talking about time travel which brought him back to early universe stuff and it was… Amazing. I was giddy for days afterwards. I had his number written down (he told me I could and said to call sometime, if he couldn’t talk it’d go to voicemail) for years but lost it in a move.

    Friend never did make the podcast, either. But what an experience.

  • Dharma Curious@slrpnk.nettoScience Memes@mander.xyzbog ecology
    4 months ago

    This is, honestly, one of the most horrific thoughts for me now. I would die. I would fuck right off this mortal coil. I would sink beneath the sour cranberry waves and drown, knowing the surface was spiderful, and there is no place there for me now. It belongs to the eight legged ones, and mankind’s reign has ended.