“you thought you did something there, didn’t you?”

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023


  • Yeah, even if he is advising or contributing, the way he put it sounds very disingenuous like he’s trying to inflate the number for his argument. Which MIGHT mean there likely was not many with immediately recognizable significance in that time (don’t yell at me, I have not taken the time to verify this).

    Either way, the way he responded comes across as very “I’m published, you’re not, neener neener!” which is not a good look for anyone with a doctorates.

    Also, genuine question, how significant was the contribution of LeNet-5 to the field of deep learning vs Neocognitron?

  • If you don’t recognize the number, answer in a funny accent. That’s how you defeat the voice harvesters.

    ring ring Sombrero repair, como es?

    ring ring [deep voice] Investigations.

    ring ring HJECKIN?

    ring ring [high pitched voice] OOIIO BO IMA SO GLAD YE RANG DOLLINGA

    ring ring thinkyefurcullinpapajhonzzewoodyalacktatryourpapalopadoussoosageasperigusdoughdopoloostoday?

    ring ring [monkey noises]


    ring ring [raspy voice] Jerome?

    ring ring [dictation voice, right up against microphone] THANK YOU FOR FALLING KMART. PLEASE LET US KNOW WHAT YOU ARE CALLING ABOUT SO WE MAY DIRECT YOUR CALL

    ring ring [moaning so intense it would make Sarah Grey blush]


    ring ring [play Gilbert Garfield directly into microphone]

  • And studies are scientific, but are not science itself. A study can be intentionally misleading in bad faith, but that doesn’t mean every researcher in that field is acting in bad faith, just the author, publisher, and perhaps reviewing peers.

    Anyone can right a paper. And if they right it on something obscure and bespoke enough, it can be difficult for someone to question their work. Doing so is the duty of peer reviewers, and sometimes these peers for whatever reason will fail to smell the bullshit or raise issue about smelling it. Then the honus is on the publisher to retract falsified papers.

    This is why citations are like gold to postdocs. It’s what builds their credibility, and that credibility is one of the most important aspects of the academic and scientific world.

  • casual_turtle_stew_enjoyer@sh.itjust.workstoScience Memes@mander.xyzHardcore
    2 months ago

    I dismiss modern social sciences because they have made it impossible not to dismiss them by making absurd claims that are easily refutable and arguably do nothing to better society-- how the fuck is hiring or granting tuition assistance based on applicant’s identity equate to social progress, when their identity makes up so little of their effectual background?

    If race is a social construct, then tell me why the fuck they insist on making things about race more than it ever was before instead of embracing objective equality?

    This incongruence is the exact reason extremist groups have no trouble finding new members-- anyone embracing these half-cooked, bad-faith movements is actively driving neutral parties into the arms of the extremists. By treating the neutral party as the enemy, you make them your enemy. I affiliate with no social groups because of how awful they are, but I assure you I will always undermine DEI however I can in my day-to-day job duties simply because those behind the movement threw the first punch.

    I see humans as humans. And I don’t give a flying fuck what anyone else says they are. They are humans, they will be treated like humans the same as all other humans are treated, no better, no worse, and their identity means zilch.

  • casual_turtle_stew_enjoyer@sh.itjust.workstoScience Memes@mander.xyzHardcore
    2 months ago

    This is also ignoring their segregated schooling being underfunded

    I attended an underfunded public school system. It was intentionally underfunded by the state because of class/income segregation, not racial segregation. Caucasians were a statistical minority there.

    not being welcomed into higher ed unless at specific ‘negro’ universities

    I was denied my father’s “transferrable” GI bill by the federal government and received no substantial tuition assistance, had to work full-time through college to pay tuition. The tuition assistance I did receive was specifically established to empower disadvantaged households regardless of race, and was minimal.

    their crippled career prospects due to their skin color- why don’t we then measure them on merit?

    I am 100% self-taught in all technology and computer topics I’ve mastered. All I had was Google and 5Mbps. My parents did not encourage my exploration, and even dissuaded or hampered it often.

    Ignore that if a black man has a novel idea then they must then have the idea reviewed into perpetuity while one of the white reviewers just so happens to come up with the same idea then publishes before the black man [ . . . ] modern publishing is blind in most every respectable journal because of this issue. It is only after being accepted is the author identity revealed to the reviewers.

    Am I having a stroke or did you just contradict yourself? Why exactly would a black man’s publication be reviewed “into perpetuity” if the reviewers know nothing of their race? Furthermore, I am clearly arguing that their race means absolutely nothing and therefore would not be considered in review.

  • casual_turtle_stew_enjoyer@sh.itjust.workstoScience Memes@mander.xyzHardcore
    2 months ago

    Because modern day social scientists have legitimately lost the plot and think it’s more important to for careers to be built by ethnicity rather than merit, and call any alternative a matter of facilitating and furthering “privilege” with no data to back up their claims.

    I know people who have been pushed out of labs and bullied into quitting their degree programs just because they were hetero white males. I am unfortunately not kidding, not exaggerating, and the details I am leaving out only make the circumstances worse.

    Academics have quietly acknowledged that academia itself is dying because of this and other issues that call the validity of modern science literature into question.

    I have a friend who is published in Nature, and I’m very tempted to send them this article. They have already stated that being published in Nature means nothing these days to anyone who actually pays attention to what they publish, and this is just further proof of it.

    For all who digress: I welcome all downvotes. I am not trolling, I am not inciting, I am laying out the honest truth as it has been illustrated to me by credible academics over the past five years. I don’t care what you learned in social sciences. I don’t care who published what. You seek to undermine academia by making merit moot and for that I respect you less than I even respect Silicon Valley-- that is to say, dismally little. And idgaf what you label me because if you are on the other side of this, your words mean absolutely nothing to me and never will.

  • You know what’s ironic about all this is, as someone who has seen game dev pitches (not good ones), they arguably had their shit together more than most aspiring game devs. Looking back at the skeletals, ya know they actually may have had a chance of getting somewhere. They knew absolutely nothing about the technical side, but hardly any game devs actually do. They probably still stand a better chance today of developing this than some game studios asset-mashing in Unity or Unreal. That’s the true state of game dev.